

皇帝不急太监急对应英文:The emperor not nasty eunuch nasty
  【词目】 皇帝不急太监急   【发音】 huángdì bùjí tàijiān jí   【由来】 漫长的帝制时代,皇帝过夫妻生活受着太监的约束。以清代为例,乾隆或者嘉庆在某个妃子那里过生活———皇帝过生活并不稀奇,稀奇的是,皇帝在里面过生活,外面还站着一群太监旁听。听了一会儿,这群太监估摸着差不多了,就由总管太监领头,大家齐声喊道:“是时候啦!”这是催皇帝快些结束。如果里面不肯结束,他们就再喊,如是三番,直到皇帝索然无味、主动结束为止。 古代皇宫里的规矩还是很多的。当时为了使皇帝不会专幸一人,另外也是为了体恤皇帝的龙体,清室规定皇帝和妃子行房时间不能超过两个时辰。时辰到,太监就会尖着嗓子在门外高呼:“是时候了”。连喊数声,如果皇帝还不放人,太监就会用丝被包裹着将妃子抬走,这就是俗语所说“皇上不急太监急”的由来。   【释义】 比喻当事人自己对该事不是很着急地去处理,而周围的人却在一旁着急,为其想办法出主意(微带调侃或贬义)。   【例句】 他自己从容不迫、不慌不忙,你这么急急忙忙、慌慌张张的干什么呢?真是“皇帝不急太监急”哦!  

说古代皇宫里的规矩还是很多的。当时为了使皇帝不会专幸一人,另外也是为了体恤皇帝的龙体,清室规定皇帝...太监就会用丝被包裹着将妃子抬走,这就是俗语所说"皇上不急太监急...对应英文:Ancient palace rules or a lot of. At that time, in order to make the emperor not designed to one person, and also to sympathize with the Emperor Dragon, clean room requirements Emperor... Eunuch would wire wrapped with the princess away, this is the saying "the emperor isn't nasty eunuch nasty...

当时为了使皇帝不会专幸一人,另外也是为了体恤皇帝的龙体,清室规定皇帝和妃子行房时间不能超过两个时辰。...这就是俗语所说"皇上不急太监急"的由来。 这应该是个民间故事...对应英文:At that time, in order to make the emperor not designed to one person, and also to sympathize with the Emperor Dragon, Qing emperor and imperial concubine room regulations real time should not exceed two hour. ... this is the origin of "the emperor not nasty eunuch nasty". This is a folk tale...

古代皇宫里的规矩还是很多的。当时为了使皇帝不会专幸一人,另外也是为了体恤皇帝的龙体,清室规定皇帝和妃...太监就会用丝被包裹着将妃子抬走,这就是俗语所说"皇上不急太监急...对应英文:Imperial rule or a lot of. At that time, in order to make the emperor not designed to one person, and also to sympathize with the Emperor Dragon, Qing Dynasty emperor and imperial concubine Provisions... Eunuch would wire wrapped with the princess away, this is the saying "the emperor isn't nasty eunuch nasty...

当时为了使皇帝不会专幸一人,另外也是为了体恤皇帝的龙体,清室规定皇帝和妃子行房时间不能超过两个时辰。...这就是俗语所说"皇上不急太监急"的由来摘抄 自 《黄帝内经》...对应英文:At that time, in order to make the emperor not designed to one person, and also to sympathize with the Emperor Dragon, Qing emperor and imperial concubine room regulations real time should not exceed two hour. ... this is the saying "the emperor not nasty eunuch nasty" the origin of extract from "Huangdi Neijing"...

皇上不急太监急,比喻当事人自己对该事不是很着急地去处理,而周围的人却在一旁着急,为其想办法出主意(微带调侃或贬义)。当时的情况,如果同事是比较好的朋友,用这句再好...对应英文:The emperor not nasty eunuch nasty, compared the parties themselves for the matter is not in a hurry to deal with, but the people around but anxious aside, for it to contribute ideas (microstrip ridicule or negative). Then, if a colleague is a good friend, with the good...

当时为了使皇帝不会专幸一人,另外也是为了体恤皇帝的龙体,清室规定皇帝和妃子行房时间不能超过两个时辰。...太监就会用丝被包裹着将妃子抬走,这就是俗语所说"皇上不急太监急...对应英文:At that time, in order to make the emperor not designed to one person, and also to sympathize with the Emperor Dragon, Qing emperor and imperial concubine room regulations real time should not exceed two hour. ... eunuch would wire wrapped with the princess away, this is the saying "the emperor isn't nasty eunuch nasty...

越俎代庖对应英文:For others

/ .对应英文:/

你怎么还不急呢你怎么还不急呢 皇帝我已经急了。对应英文:Why don't you worry about how you do not worry about the emperor I have.

那就说"我是替太监急"。不过这样的话不要对谁都说,不然。。。。。对应英文:It said that "I am for the eunuch nasty". But don't these words to anyone that, otherwise.....


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