

十女九痔对应英文:Ten female nine hemorrhoids

十男九痔,这与工作状态有关,坐办公室的,把方向盘的相对多些,实际就是缺乏锻炼。 没有人会想到,牙膏却是治疗痔疮的妙药。选用含金银花的牙膏,不妨一试。对应英文:Ten men and nine hemorrhoids, which is related to work, sit in the office, the relatively more steering wheel, is the lack of exercise. No one would have thought, drug toothpaste is the treatment of hemorrhoids. Choose contain honeysuckle toothpaste, try.

生孩子,因此更容易的痔疮。所以俗语"十男九痔,十女十痔"对应英文:Children, it is easier to hemorrhoids. So saying "ten male nine female ten hemorrhoids hemorrhoids, ten"

其实是十人九痔,男女都一样的。因为血液循环不畅,比如久坐,盆腔积血对应英文:In fact, nine out of ten hemorrhoids, men and women are the same. Because of poor blood circulation, such as sedentary, pelvic hematocele

这是因为男人多从事户外体力劳动,排便不定时,就地落坐休息,易患便秘,久之形成痔疮。对应英文:This is because men engaged in outdoor physical labor, defecate not timing, in situ sat down to rest, prone to constipation, hemorrhoids form for a long time.

十男九痔是说的痔疮的人多。 痔疮是肛门直肠底部及肛门粘膜的静脉丛发生曲张而形成的一个或多个柔软的静脉...硫黄、雄黄各克,樟脑克,麻油适量。前药研成细末,用麻油调...对应英文:Ten men and nine hemorrhoids hemorrhoids is that many people. Hemorrhoid venous... One or more soft bottom of the anus and rectum and anal mucosa occurred varicose vein plexus and the formation of sulfur, realgar grams each, camphor grams, sesame oil amount. Before medicine grind into fine powder, mix with sesame oil...

痔疮很普遍...我们这里好象说是十男九痔,男的痔疮多一点...得痔疮好象是因为经常吃辛辣的食物.对应英文:Hemorrhoids are common... Here we seem to say ten men and nine hemorrhoids hemorrhoids, men more like... Get hemorrhoids because often eat spicy food

为什么说"十男九痔"呢,因为男性体力劳动比较多,痔疮的症状如便血、脱出容易比较严重。其实,还有"十女九痔"之说,民间的这些说法,是说明痔疮的发病率确实很高。对应英文:Why to say "ten men and nine hemorrhoids", because the male physical labor more, hematochezia, prolapse of hemorrhoids symptoms such as easy to more serious. In fact, there are "ten female nine hemorrhoids" say, folk these claims, is that the incidence of hemorrhoids really high.

怎么可能是男人,明明是十个女人九个痔…其实是十人就痔!就是告诉我们,痔疮是一个很常见很常见的东西,得了也没有什么太可怕的,吃点消炎药就行了,实在太严重了,得打吊水...对应英文:How likely is the man, clearly is ten women nine hemorrhoids... In fact it is ten hemorrhoids! Tell us, haemorrhoid is a very common very common things, have no what too terrible, eat anti-inflammatory drugs on the line, is too serious to be hanging water play...

十男九痔这是过去的民间说法,没有科学性。实际上女性得痔疮的并不少见,原因是吃的少,经常便秘,加上女性多含蓄,有病也不愿到医院看。对应英文:Ten men and nine hemorrhoids it is past folk parlance, not scientific. In fact, women get hemorrhoids is not uncommon, the reason is to eat less, often constipation, with women more introverted, a disease rather than to the hospital to see.

是十男九痔。因为男人喝酒、抽烟、吃辣椒居多,现代生活男人的压力也大于女人。虚火热,容上火,容易引发痔疮。而女性饮食方面就占有优势,她们饮食清淡。据说还有另外一...对应英文:Ten men and nine hemorrhoids. Because the man drinking, smoking, eating hot peppers are, modern life pressure is greater than the man woman. Virtual hot, let the fire, easily lead to hemorrhoids. While women will take advantage of their diet, light diet. It is said that there are other...


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