

不以成败论英雄对应英文:Not by adversities hero

规则8:学校不以成败论英雄,生活却并非如此。对应英文:Rule 8: the school not to the success or failure of a hero, life is not the case.

这样说来,他的中国球迷似乎也愿意接受不以成败论英雄的观点。对应英文:That said, his Chinese fans appear willing to accept not by adversities hero view.

《重瞳》所表现出的思想意蕴十分丰富:不以成败论英雄,在人与人的竞争中看重的是“手段”,而不仅仅是“结果”;对应英文:"Very rich connotation of double pupil" shows: not by adversities hero, value in human competition is "means", rather than "results";

规则8:学校不以成败论英雄,生活却并非如此。对应英文:Rule 8: the school not to the success or failure of a hero, life is not the case.

这样说来,他的中国球迷似乎也愿意接受不以成败论英雄的观点。对应英文:That said, his Chinese fans appear willing to accept not by adversities hero view.

《重瞳》所表现出的思想意蕴十分丰富:不以成败论英雄,在人与人的竞争中看重的是“手段”,而不仅仅是“结果”;对应英文:"Very rich connotation of double pupil" shows: not by adversities hero, value in human competition is "means", rather than "results";


bù yǐchéngbài lùn yīngxióng【释义】:不能因事业的成功功失败来判断是不是英雄。 更多相关词条>>

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