

穷山恶水出刁民对应英文:Barren hills and turbulent rivers out of you

穷山恶水出刁民这句话需要从经济学和社会学的角度来看。实际上我国的先人所留的文献里就已经肯定了这句话的合理存在。特别是当代经济学更是用当代世界和社会经济法发...对应英文:Barren hills and turbulent rivers out you this sentence needs from the perspective of economics and sociology perspective. In fact, our ancestors left literature has already affirmed the reasonable existence of this sentence. Especially contemporary economics is used in the contemporary world and social economic law...

这是个典故即穷山恶水,泼妇刁民传说出处乾隆最后一次下江南途中 地点三说徐州、镇江、萧县 典故演义话说乾隆皇帝六下江南,山水都腻了,山珍海味也厌了。最后一次下...对应英文:This is a story that is barren hills and turbulent rivers, shrew obstinate residents legends from Qian Long last Jiangnan Road site, Zhenjiang, Xiaoxian three Xuzhou allusions kingdoms words emperor Qian Long six under the Yangtze River, the landscape is tired also tired, table delicacies from land and sea. The last time...

意思是贫穷落后的地方的人没有文化见识浅比较野蛮对应英文:Mean poor local people not shallow barbaric culture comparison

不是,因为地方穷,所以人的素质低,所谓的刁民,就是不讲道理,无理取闹的人对应英文:No, because the local poor people, so the quality is low, the so-called rogue, does not speak the truth, make trouble out of nothing

"穷山恶水,泼妇刁民" 传说出处乾隆最后一次下江南途中 地点三说徐州、镇江、萧县 典故演义话说乾隆皇帝六下江南,山山水水都玩腻了,山珍海味也吃厌了。最后一次下江...对应英文:"Barren hills and turbulent rivers, shrew obstinate residents" legend from Qian Long last Jiangnan Road site, Zhenjiang, Xiaoxian three Xuzhou allusions kingdoms words emperor Qian Long six under the Yangtze River, rivers and mountains are tired, tired also eat table delicacies from land and sea. The last time the xiajiang...

全文是"穷山恶水,泼妇刁民" 正史不知有无记载对应英文:The full text is "the barren hills and turbulent rivers, shrew obstinate residents" do not know to have recorded history

意思是恶劣的生存环境对人的性格会产生不良影响.对应英文:What is the character of the poor living environment of people would have a negative impact

已发请查收对应英文:Issued please find

字面翻译吧!! 糟糕的环境创造差劲的居民对应英文:Literal translation!! create bad environment of poor residents

穷山恶水一般只哪些地方。。。因人而异吧,哪都有好人,哪都有坏人。对应英文:Barren hills and turbulent rivers generally only where... Differ from man to man, which is good, which has a bad guy.


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