

女人心海底针对应英文:Women heart the needle

歌曲名称女人心  专辑名称情结  歌手名称温兆伦  作词邬裕康 作曲徐嘉良    熄灭了烟 准备上路...就像海底针 别再苦苦追问  我承认我不是最聪明的情人 ...对应英文:The song name women heart album name complex singer name Deric Wan lyricist composer Wu Yukang Xu Jialiang put out the smoke getting ready... Like submarine needle stop asking me to admit that I am not the most intelligent lover...

我认为女人❤海底针 主要是由于女人大多数矜持,表达自己会很婉转,对于男士来讲,需要多加心思去猜。男人的❤都会很明白的表露,是单纯的占有,还是喜...对应英文:I think women love the needle is mainly due to the woman most reserved, express yourself will be very tactful, for man, need more time to think. Man's love will be very clear, is the mere possession of, or joy...

"女人心,海底针", 男人心,漂浮线----专找针眼穿~~~~~~~~~对应英文:"The heart of woman, submarine needle", the man heart, floating line, specifically looking for a dress

女人心海底针'对应英文:Women heart the needle '

俗话说"女人心海底针",意思是说女人的心思难以琢磨。 女人善变,女人的心就象沉在海底的针,你猜不透,摸不着…… 女人的心也是一种可以刺人的针,直接刺到你的心灵沉处...对应英文:As the saying goes "women heart the needle", meaning that a woman's mind and elusive. Woman in love, a woman's heart is at the bottom of the sink of the needle, you could not guess, can't touch...... The heart of woman is a stinging needles, direct close to your heart sink...

俗话说"女人心,海底针",常见于爱情小说与民俗文学中,意思是说女人的心思难以琢磨, 也说明女人心思细腻,不善于表露,含蓄,小家碧玉。  通俗来讲 第一层意思   首先...对应英文:As the saying goes, "a woman's heart, submarine needle", common in the love stories and folk literature, meaning that a woman's mind and elusive, also shows that women are not good at expressing, delicate, subtle, daughter of a humble family. Popular as the first layer meaning first...

首先,你确定下你自己是否是真心想跟她到老的那一种。其次,想想女孩的脾气什么的你是否接受得来。最后,如果确定了你自己是想跟她到老的人,你应该大方点的说总有一天你...对应英文:First of all, you determine whether you really want to tell her that an old. Secondly, think about what the girl's temper whether you accept it. Finally, if you are determined to follow her to the old man, you should be generous to say one day you...

讲的人不相信,听的人也不相信 …… 茫茫人海中,你遇见了谁谁又遇见了你对应英文:No one believes, to listen to people who don't believe...... In the boundless huge crowd, who did you meet who met you

女人的心海底针,男人的心就是那海,永远在男人的心里都有一颗女人的心。对应英文:Devil Woman, the man's heart is the sea, always have the heart of a woman in a man's heart.

或许你应该有骨气一点,,,表达自己的魅力..做出一些让她感动的事情...女人女人...你对他太好 有时候他只把你当做暂时的避风港...用过之后就把你丢一旁..等自己在外面受...对应英文:Maybe you should have integrity point,,, to express their own charm. Make some touched her things... Baby... You too good for him and sometimes he only take you as temporarily haven... Used to throw you away. Their outside by...



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