

话糙理不糙对应英文:Words the rationale is not rough rough

甚至不太文明,但道理很正确。例句他这一番话,话糙理不糙,值得认真想一想。对应英文:Even less civilized, but the truth is very correct. He this words, words the rationale is not rough rough, worth to think seriously.

就是话说的很平常不加修饰,但道理很正确。造句他这一番话,话糙理不糙,值得她认真想一想。对应英文:Is the words very ordinary without modification, but the truth is very correct. He spoke with such sentences, words the rationale is not rough rough, worthy of her to think.

爱时女性也应该多投入,也表示你知道如何取悦自己。先能取悦自己,才有可能取悦他人。虽然男女大不同,但享受性爱的需求,男女都相同。对应英文:Love women have more input, also means you know how to please their. You can please yourself, is likely to please others. Although men and women are greatly different, but to enjoy sex, men and women are the same.

爱就是两个人在一起过日子,牵肠挂肚,愁死柴米油盐。 你是锅,我是铲,在一起吵的慌。 你是水,我是瓢,舀一勺漏半两舀两勺漏一斤。对应英文:Love is two people live together, be very worried about, worry about fuel. You are my pot, shovel, together noisy. You are the water, I scoop, scoop a spoonful missing half a catty two spoon scoop leakage.

俗语中也说成"话糙理不糙"。糙粗(与精相对)、野(与雅相对)。话说得粗糙但道理精透。在河北方言中,把日常交往中的说话讲究、办事细致叫做理细。对应英文:They also say "words the rationale is not rough rough". (rough and fine wild (relative), and Ya relative). All rough but reasonable intensive. In Hebei dialect, to talk about daily communication, handle affairs meticulous called science and fine.

俗语中也说成"话糙理不糙"。糙粗(与精相对)、野(与雅相对)。话说得粗糙但道理精透。 在河北方言中,把日常交往中的说话讲究、办事细致叫做理细。对应英文:They also say "words the rationale is not rough rough". (rough and fine wild (relative), and Ya relative). All rough but reasonable intensive. In Hebei dialect, to talk about daily communication, handle affairs meticulous called science and fine.

"如果你们只剩下一条裤衩,为什么不用它干死日本人!"话糙理不糙。这群汉子是去抗日的,打死那些凶残的侵略者。 "上敬战死的英灵,下敬涂炭的生灵,中间这个,敬给人世间的...对应英文:"If you only have a short, why not use it dry dead Japanese words the rationale is not rough rough!". This man is to go against Japan, killing those cruel invaders. "To the king died, the people of great suffering under, the middle, and to the world...

应该多投入,也表示你知道如何取悦自己。先能取悦自己,才有可能取悦他人。 虽然男女大不同,但享受性爱的需求,男女都相同。对应英文:We should put in more, also means you know how to please their. You can please yourself, is likely to please others. Although men and women are greatly different, but to enjoy sex, men and women are the same.

"我是话糙理不糙,这么多年我就想能有个窝…… .在杨家的茅草屋里阿蛮对李白"这就是过日子啊,男主外女主内,就像今天,你把 要过日子的东西买回来,就没你的事了,你呢...对应英文:"I was the words the rationale is not rough rough, so many years I would like to have a nest...... In the hut She Yang to Li Bai "this is life ah, male and female, like today, you must live to buy things back, not your thing, you...

话糙理不糙!算是想让你走出困境的意思吧对应英文:Words the rationale is not rough rough! Is to want to let you walk out of predicament mean


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