

头悬梁锥刺股对应英文:The first cantilever cone

头悬梁,锥刺股  战国七雄中,秦国仗着强盛不断发兵进攻邻国,占领不少地方。其它六国都很害怕,想方设法去对付它。当时有一个人,叫苏秦,他提出"合纵"抗秦,意思是六国联...对应英文:The first cantilever, Cone of Warring States, Qin powerful neighbors continue to attack troops, occupied in many places. The other six are afraid, try various devices to deal with it. There was a man, called Su Qin, he proposed a "vertical", meaning the united...

悬梁刺股 【拼音】á á ì ǔ 【解释】形容刻苦学习。 【出处】《战国策·秦策一》"(苏秦)读书欲睡,引锥自刺其股。"《太平御览》卷三百六十三引《汉书》"...对应英文:Painstaking in one's study [phonetic] á á ì ǔ [explain] described to study hard. [source] "Warring States, Qin policy a" "(Su Qin) reading drowsy, guide cone from thorn its shares. "" taipingyulan "volume three hundred and sixty-three" Hanshu ""...

头悬梁 孙敬是汉朝信都(今冀州市)人。他年少好学,博闻强记,而且视书如命.晚上看书学习常常通宵达旦。邻里... 编辑本段锥刺股(另一个故事) 战国时期,有一个人名叫苏秦,...对应英文:Sun Jing was the first cantilever letter (now Jizhou city) people. He is too young to learn, have wide learning and a retentive memory, and regarded life as the night often read a book learning all through the night. The neighborhood... Edit this section cone (another story) during the Warring States period, there was a man named Su Qin,...

孙敬头悬梁、苏秦锥刺股形容用功读书.发奋图强.一、头悬梁 孙敬是汉朝信都(今冀州市)人。他年少好学,博闻强记,而且视书如命.晚上看书学习常常通宵达旦。邻里们都称他...对应英文:Sun Jingtou beam, Qin Su cone described study hard. Keep one's head above water. One, the first cantilever Sun Jing was the letter (now Jizhou city) people. He is too young to learn, have wide learning and a retentive memory, and regarded life as the night often read a book learning all through the night. The neighbors called him...

有时候读书读到半夜,又累又困 ,他就用锥子扎自己的大腿, 虽然很疼,但精神却来了,他就接着读下去。也有人传说"头悬梁 锥刺股"的典故来源于苏秦一个人的对应英文:Sometimes reading till midnight, tired and sleepy, he pricked his thigh with an awl, although very painful, but the spirit is coming, he then read on. Also some people said "the first cantilever cone" allusions originated from Qin people

头悬梁,锥刺骨《三字经》里的句子。典故如下苏秦,字季子,东周(公元前年前)洛阳轩里人。他出砼┟瘢儆写笾荆婀砉茸友в嗡凳醵嗄辍蟠潜鹄鲜Γ律角笕」γ&...对应英文:The first cantilever, cone piercing "Three Character Classic" in the sentence. Allusions are Su, word Jizi, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (BC ago) Luoyang Xuan. He is a concrete scar Watch said Jing Jie Hua Rong friends write's stool to contribute. In Pan potential OM and fresh gamma law angle γ Jian "

头悬梁孙敬,字文宝,汉朝信都(今冀州市)人。他年少好学,博闻强记,而且视书如命,晚上看书学习常常通宵达旦。邻里们都称他为"闭户先生"。锥刺股苏秦,洛阳人。洛阳是当...对应英文:The first cantilever Sun Jing, Wen Bao word, the letter (now Jizhou city) people. He is too young to learn, have wide learning and a retentive memory, and visual books like life, read a book learning often all through the night the night. The neighbors called him "Mr shut". Cone Su, luoyang. Luoyang is when...

头悬梁,锥刺股 战国七雄中,秦国仗着强盛不断发兵进攻邻国,占领不少地方。其它六国都很害怕,想方设法去对付它。当时有一个人,叫苏秦,他提出"合纵"抗秦,意思是六国联合...对应英文:The first cantilever, Cone of Warring States, Qin powerful neighbors continue to attack troops, occupied in many places. The other six are afraid, try various devices to deal with it. There was a man, called Su Qin, he proposed a "vertical", meaning the united...

头悬梁,锥刺骨 《三字经》里的句子。 典故如下 苏秦,字季子,东周(公元前年前)洛阳轩里人。他出身农民,少有大志,曾随鬼谷子学游说术多年。后辞别老师,下山求取功名...对应英文:The first cantilever, cone piercing "Three Character Classic" in the sentence. Allusions are Su Qin, the word Ji Zi, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (BC ago) Luoyang Xuan. He was a peasant, little ambition, once with Guiguzi learn lobbying operation for many years. After leaving the teacher, down the mountain to seek fame...

."悬梁"的故事见于《太平御览》卷三六三引《汉书》。 西汉时期,有个人名叫孙敬,是著名的政治家。开始由于... 后人将这两个故事合成"悬梁刺股"或"刺股悬梁"一句成语,用以...对应英文:. "cantilever" story in the "Taiping Yulan" volume three six three "Hanshu". The Western Han Dynasty, there was a man named Sun Jing, is a famous statesman. Start with... People will this two story synthesis "painstaking in one's study" or "thorn" an idiom, used to...


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