

儿行千里母担忧对应英文:Mother worry about son

歌曲儿行千里母担忧歌词 衣裳再添几件, 饭菜多吃几口, 出门在外没有妈熬的小米粥。 一会儿看看脸, 一会儿摸摸手, 一会儿又把嘱咐的话,装进儿的兜。 如今要到了离开家...对应英文:The song mother worry about son lyrics add a few pieces of clothes, food to eat a few, out no mother boiled millet gruel in. Have a look a little face, while touching your hand, while they put them into the bag. Now want to leave home...

大雁飞过庭前柳, 儿行千里母担忧, 泪水洒九州。 九州景色依旧, 只是归思难收。 人间总有离别苦, 今宵又是月如钩, 此恨何时休对应英文:Flying geese Liu before the tribunal, erhangqianli mother worried, tears spilled kyushu. Kyushu scenery remains the same, only thought of return to. The world there are always leave bitter, tonight is like a hook, this hate when Sue

女人感性 思想外露 他的担忧挂在脸色言语中 男人理性 父亲的担忧靠儿女细心领会对应英文:The woman sentimental thought his concerns hanging on the face exposed words men rational father concerns on children understand carefully

在何处饮酒,这早晚方回,全不知儿行千里母担忧。" 儿行千里母担忧解释子女出远门在外,做母亲的心里总是牵挂不已。形容母爱真挚深厚。对应英文:Drinking in where, this time back to the party, all don't know erhangqianli mother worried. "Erhangqianli mother worried about children to explain away outside, the mother always cares for him. Describe the maternal love is sincere and profound.

熬的小米粥一会儿看看脸一会儿摸摸手一会儿又要嘱咐的话装进儿的兜如今要到了离开家的时候才理解儿行千里母担忧千里的路啊我还一步没走就看见泪水在妈妈眼里流妈妈眼...对应英文:Boiled millet gruel for a while have a look the face while touching your hand for a while to tell you put into the pocket to children to leave home when I understand mother worry about son thousands of miles of road. I also step did not go to see the tears in my mother's eyes flow mother eyes now...

儿女在外,父母总是挂念操心,但是如果换成母亲在外,儿女却不为母亲担心。对应英文:The children out, parents always worry about, but if the mother in, but not for the mother worried about children.

一会儿看看脸一会儿摸摸手 一会儿又要嘱咐的话装进儿的兜 如今要到了离开家的时候 才理解儿行千里母担忧 千里的路啊我还一步没走 就看见泪水在妈妈眼里流 妈妈眼里流...对应英文:Now have a look the face while touching your hand for a while to tell you put into the pocket to children to leave home when I understand mother worry about son thousands of miles of road. I also step did not go to see the tears in my mother's eyes stream flow now mother's eyes...

, .对应英文:,

大雁飞过庭前柳, 儿行千里母担忧, 泪水洒九州。 九州景色依旧, 只是归思难收。 人间总有离别苦, 今宵又是月如钩, 此恨何时休 泪水洒九州对应英文:Flying geese Liu before the tribunal, erhangqianli mother worried, tears spilled kyushu. Kyushu scenery remains the same, only thought of return to. The world there are always leave bitter, tonight is like a hook, this hate when Sue tears spilled Kyushu

母行千里儿不愁对应英文:The mother line thousands of miles, not worry



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