

博采各家之长对应英文:From various length

天下文章一大抄,看你会抄不会抄!~所谓的融会贯通还不就是把原来的东西删删改改,就成了自己的了。我现在写作文就是往这条路走了。天天就是在学校里哪里来的这么多原创...对应英文:All the articles a copy, see you can copy not copy! ~ the mastery is not the original things delete removing change, became his own. I'm writing to this road. Every day is in the school where come so many original...

吸取别人的长处用来充实自己对应英文:Absorb the merits of others to enrich their own

博采众长从多方面吸取各家的长处。博采众议广泛采纳群众的建议。对应英文:Learn widely from others'strong points to learn the strengths from several aspects. Adopt good advice from all quarters widely adopted the recommendations of the masses.

用谦逊的心态.宽广的胸怀去接纳学习别人的优点和长处,博采各家之长,为我所用.千万不要自以为是或者嫉妒别人的才华.对应英文:With a humble attitude. The broad mind to accept learning the advantages and strengths of others, from their long, serve for us. Don't be opinionated or envy of talent

这你都不明,日本最出名是什么,交换多了,交流多了,不就可以了吗对应英文:This you are unknown, Japan's most famous is what, exchange, exchange more, can not do

比喻相隔太远,力量达不到。 【博采众长】博采广泛搜集采纳。从多方面吸取各家的长处。 【拔苗助长】比喻违反事物发展的客观规律,急于求成,反而坏事。 【跋涉长途】跋涉...对应英文:Analogy too far apart, the strength is not up to the. [] learn widely from others'strong points from widely collected adoption. Learn the strengths from several aspects. [] spoil things by excessive enthusiasm metaphor of objective laws, in violation of the development of things be anxious for success, but a bad thing. [long] trek trek...

粤菜清淡鲜活,博采众家,影响深远。 川菜系 川菜系是一个历史悠久的菜系。它的发源地是古代的巴国和蜀国。历代典籍 和各个朝代的文人骚客的诗词文章里有不少对于川菜的...对应英文:Guangdong light bright, gambling public house, profound influence. Sichuan cuisine Sichuan cuisine is a long history of cuisine. It is the birthplace of ancient Ba and shu. Literati poet history books and each Dynasty poems and essays in many for Sichuan cuisine...

夕阳西下独觉人生苦短对应英文:Sundowners feel so alone

其博采也,最见于高谈阔论之中 追溯到春秋战国时期,宰相苏秦"陈箧数十,得太公《阴符》之谋,伏而诵之,简练以...无须走马塞上,便可看楚汉交兵无须程门立雪,便可听师长之谆...对应英文:The casino also, is in the talk with eloquence, traced back to the spring and Autumn period, the minister Qie Chen Qin "dozens" Yin Fu ", have great plans, V and chanting, concise... Do not need to go horse plug, can see Chu Han war without reverence, and can the teacher mr....

采吸收、吸纳、学习。众大众、大家、除我之外的。长优点、好处。博采众长广泛地汲取他人(产品)的优点(大众化语言)对应英文:Absorb, absorb, learning. The public, everyone, except me. Long advantages, benefits. Learn widely from others'strong points widely from others (product) the advantages (popular language)


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