

妻不如妾对应英文:His wife as concubine

回到主角身边 现在,夭夭和千慧在管理公司,劲劲的帮我赚钱,小如的管家,美滋滋的为我照顾老人带孩子,做饭,那我呢我在做什么我可是个男人喔!全无后顾之忧了,你说我会做...对应英文:Back to the leading side now, Yao Yao and thousands of Hui in the management of the company, Jin Jin helped me make money, as small as a housekeeper, sing for me to take care of the elderly and children, cook, I do what I do. I'm a man Oh! No worries, you say I'll do...

属于自己的东西,因为只有不属于自己的才能有追求,而往往会对已得到的东西忽视。古代一般是先有妻后有妾,当然也有少数先有妾再娶妻的,所以说是先得到妻子,然后再得到小...对应英文:Belong to our own things, because not only of their own to pursue, but often ignore what we have got. The general is the first wife concubine, of course, also have a few to have my then wife, so is the first wife, and then get the small...

《妻妾斗妻不如妾》下载 作者水凝烟(完结) 本文来自游乐电子书论坛../---.对应英文:"Wives and concubines bucket wife as concubine" to download the Shuiningyan (end) this article from the recreation ebook forum../---

人与人之间有距离感,保持着一份神秘是相处长久的根本/对应英文:There is a distance between people, to maintain a secret is along long root /

在这句话当中可以大部分反映出来,对于自己的妻子,做丈夫的可以说是完全了解了,所以不如妾对于妾毕竟是后来的,保鲜期还没过。而对于外面的妓女,有几个男人是能做到所...对应英文:In this sentence can most reflect, for his wife, the husband can be said to be well understood, so I was later for the concubine, preservation period is not over. The outside of the prostitutes, some men can do that...

首先,中国人有很强的封建观念,如忠君报国,男尊女卑,三纲五常,三从四德,所以他们认为正妻是结发之妻,恩爱两不疑,是能同生共死的那一类人而妾呢,从字形上看去,我们知道...对应英文:First of all, Chinese feudal idea is very strong, such as loyalty to serve the country, think that women are inferior to men, the three obediences and the four virtues, the three cardinal guides, so they think is the wife is the wife of his youth, love two not doubt, is the type of person to live and die together and concubines, to see from the font, we know...

庶女攻略 重生豪门千金 妾上无妻 重生之名门闺秀 妻妾一家欢对应英文:Shu female Raiders again big daughter on a no wife concubine of rebirth and a happy lady

我的美女老总 都市花盗 限量版男人 邻家有女初长成...就这一连载中 不过很好 花尊..推荐 我的姐姐是美女 花开堪折..推荐,有哲理 别的..忘了文理双修绝对经典对应英文:Our boss city flower pilfer edition men girl next door... In this series but well spend honour.. recommend my sister is beautiful bloom off worthy.. recommend, the philosophy of other.. forget double repair the absolute classic

饱暖思淫欲,现在男女都一样,当物质到了一定基础的时候就想追求刺激,自古以来都是这样。特别是在现在这个时代,更是表现无遗!所以说男人有钱了就变坏。对应英文:When one is fed and warmed, now both men and women, when the material to the certain basis to the pursuit of excitement, since ancient times are so. Especially in this day and age, it is shown without involuntary discharge of urine! So that money is bad man.

明代的《雪涛小说》中有一个说法"妻不如妾,妾不如婢,婢不如妓,妓不如偷,偷得着不如偷不着。"这充分反映出在私有制社会中男于视女子为玩物的畸形心理。女子可以做妻、...对应英文:The Ming Dynasty "Xuetao novels" there is a saying "wife as concubine, concubine as servants, servants as brothels, prostitution as stolen, steal an inferior cannot steal. "This fully reflected in the private ownership society male to regard woman as a plaything of abnormal psychology. Women can do,...


  【起点第四编辑组签约作品】   一个年过而立的已婚白领,寂寂沉默了三十年,忽然之间,四位美女走进了他沉闷的生活。女大学生、初恋情人、美女上司、美女记者,面对原配发妻,他会做出什么选择?   小说关键字: 程东,王夭,秦雨,谢竹缨

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