

退一步海阔天空对应英文:Take a step as boundless as the sea and sky

以宽容之心度他人之过:退一步海阔天空,忍一时风平浪静。对应英文:To the heart of tolerance of others: one step as boundless as the sea and sky, forbearance 1:00 calm.

一些这种类型的人用这种幽默方式来应付各种挑战,退一步海阔天空,并且能笑对遇到的坎坷。对应英文:Some of these types of people in this humor to cope with challenges, take a step as boundless as the sea and sky, and laugh in the face of difficulties.

其实,你我在即将认为可以分手或者断绝关系之前,各退一步,就不会没有海阔天空一词。对应英文:In fact, you and I just before that can break up or to break off the relationship, each step back, not a word as boundless as the sea and sky.

以宽容之心度他人之过:退一步海阔天空,忍一时风平浪静。对应英文:To the heart of tolerance of others: one step as boundless as the sea and sky, forbearance 1:00 calm.

一些这种类型的人用这种幽默方式来应付各种挑战,退一步海阔天空,并且能笑对遇到的坎坷。对应英文:Some of these types of people in this humor to cope with challenges, take a step as boundless as the sea and sky, and laugh in the face of difficulties.

其实,你我在即将认为可以分手或者断绝关系之前,各退一步,就不会没有海阔天空一词。对应英文:In fact, you and I just before that can break up or to break off the relationship, each step back, not a word as boundless as the sea and sky.

退一步海阔天空,一旦放下了给建议的需要,静心地倾听问题的全部原委就变得容易些。对应英文:Take a step as boundless as the sea and sky, once dropped to suggest the need for them to listen to listen to, all problems will become easier.

当两人之间发生争吵之时,处女因为有足够的灵活性,它可以退一步海阔天空,不会允许战斗发生。对应英文:When the quarrel between the two when, Virgo has enough flexibility, it can take a step as boundless as the sea and sky, not allowed to fight.

忍让,未必等于软弱,是非恩怨随风一笑可消散,退一步海阔天空。对应英文:Tolerance, not equal to the weak, non grudge with a smile can disappear, step as boundless as the sea and sky.

因此我经常会劝他们以退为进,不要斤斤计较,有时候其实吃亏就是占便宜,先哲曾经告诫我们“忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空”。对应英文:So I often advise them to retreat, do not square accounts in every detail, and sometimes actually lose that advantage, sages have warned us to "temporary calm forbearance, take a step as boundless as the sea and sky".


古人云:“退一步海阔天空,忍一时风平浪静。” 在非原则的问题上或在自己应得的物质利益上,如果能以宽容之心对待他人之过,就能得到化干戈为玉帛的喜悦。对于别人的过失,虽然必要的指正无可厚非,但是若能以博大的胸怀去宽容别人,就会让自己的精神世界变的更加精彩。 退一步海阔天空,这是个连小学生都知道的道理,可是在现实生活中往往有许多人把这个简单的道理给忘记了。在中国古代有这样一个故事:清河人胡常与汝南人翟方进在一起研究经书。后来胡常先做了官,名誉却不如翟方进好。胡常为此在心里总是嫉妒翟方进的才能。当与别人议论时,总是不说翟方进的好话。翟方进听到这些事之后没有以牙还牙,而是想出了一个退让的方法。每当胡常召集门生、讲解经书时,翟方进就主动派自己的门生到胡常那里去请教疑难问题,并且诚心诚意、认认真真的做好笔记。世间长了,胡常就明白了这是翟方进有意推崇自己,于是内心十分不安。以后在官场上就不再贬低而是赞扬翟方进了。翟方进有意退让的智慧使他与胡常化敌为友。

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