

万恶淫为首对应英文:Lewdness is the worst of all
  【读音】   ( wàn è yín wéi shǒu )   【释义】   淫心是一切罪恶的开始。淫的意思是‘过分、不节制’,即一切罪恶,应当以‘过分、不节制’为首要大恶”。

出自清朝王永彬的《围炉夜话》 百善孝为先 万恶淫为源 常存仁孝心,则天下凡不可为者,皆不忍为,所以孝居百...皆不难为,所以淫是万恶之首。 也就是说心中常抱着仁心、孝心...对应英文:From the Qing Dynasty Wang Yongbin's "the talk" the good filial first evil source Chang Cunren filial piety, the world where not to, have to, so the filial piety in 100... Is not difficult, so the sex is the root of all evils. That is to say the heart often with benevolence, filial piety...

其实,淫欲的根本是因为贪爱。而贪爱是生死的根本,也是痛苦的根本,所以要戒淫欲是为了使自己的贪爱心可以淡泊,那样痛苦就会减少。 特别是心里的戒断,心里没有这种贪欲...对应英文:In fact, lust is fundamental for the love. And love is life and death is fundamental, root of pain, so want to quit lust is to make their greed, love can be indifferent, that pain will be reduced. Especially his withdrawal, there is no such greed...

原文如下"百善孝为先 万恶淫为源 常存仁孝心,则天下凡不可为者,皆不忍为,所以孝居百行之先一起邪淫念,则生平极不欲为者,皆不难为,所以淫是万恶之首。" 【解释】...对应英文:The "filial piety as the source of evil Chang Cunren filial piety, the world where not to, have to, so the filial piety in the 100 line together first evil lust, then life is not for the person, is not difficult, so the sex is the root of all evils. "[explain]...

追求过多的钱可能贪污受贿,追求过多的性可能淫乱,追求过多的权利会引起暴政等等。。依此类推。。一切过错皆因为淫,所以说万恶淫为首。对应英文:The pursuit of too much money may be corrupt, too much may be promiscuous, pursuit of too much power will lead to tyranny.. By analogy.. All of the blame because of her, so that Lewdness is the worst of all.

万恶淫为首,百善孝当先 /不记得什么时候听到这句话的,想了想第一句,万恶淫为首.我觉得说的太概括了点.好象世界上的坏事都是淫开头的...对应英文:Lewdness is the worst of all, filial piety should / can't remember what I heard this word, think the first sentence, Lewdness is the worst of all. I think that too general. If the world is our bad beginning...

万恶淫为首,百善孝当先 /不记得什么时候听到这句话的,想了想第一句,万恶淫为首.我觉得说的太概括了点.好象世界上的坏事都是淫开头的,也有的...对应英文:Lewdness is the worst of all, filial piety should / can't remember what I heard this word, think the first sentence, Lewdness is the worst of all. I think that too general. If the world is our bad beginning, also some...

为什么"万恶淫为首" 因为淫乱是最能动摇性情和败坏德行的事情,而且会带来极恶的名声,且在中国有"桀之亡,以姝喜幽之灭,以褒姒.晋之乱,以骊姬吴之祸,以西施.汉成...对应英文:Why "Lewdness is the worst of all" because promiscuous is most can shake the temperament and corrupt moral thing, but also bring enormous fame, and in the Chinese "Jie's death, to Shu Xi you destroy, with Baosi. Jin chaos in Li Ji, Wu evil, to beauty. Han...

贪污腐败、蒙骗欺诈、走私贩毒等等更严重,而居于万恶的"首"位呢 是因为人们因为淫念会做出很多伤天害理的事情. 比如 夏桀亡国是因为"荧惑女宠"商被西周推翻,有个被...对应英文:Corruption, fraud, smuggling and drug trafficking and so on for more serious, and the evil "song" it is because people because lust will make a lot of do things offensive to God and reason things. For example, Xia Jie subjugation is because "encourage female pet" business is the Western Zhou Dynasty overthrown, there is...

会酿成大祸,比如一些人过分地追求金钱、美女、名誉、地位等为自己和别人带来了灾难,所以淫是为万恶之首。/孝是中华民族的传统美德,也是做人之本。不孝之人必定无情无...对应英文:Will lead to disaster, such as the number of people over the pursuit of money, beauty, fame, status for themselves and others to bring disaster, so the sex is the root of all evils. / filial piety is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, is the life of this. The unfilial person must relentlessly without...

佛陀没有说过万恶淫为首。在佛教的论藏中,找不到'淫心'这种心。而在经藏中也找不到。 虽然佛陀是赞成断除性行为的,但还是不同等于此话。因为'淫'是来自于'贪心'。 出...对应英文:The Buddha said no Lewdness is the worst of all. In the Buddhist Abhidharma, cannot find 'Lust' this heart. And in the Sutra also can not find. Although the Buddha is in favor of except sex, but different to that. Because 'kinky' from the 'greedy'. Out...

俗语万恶淫为首wàn è yín wéi shǒu是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/1065.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

  《围炉夜话》 (清)王永彬 著   《论语·八佾》:“《关雎》乐而不淫,哀而不伤。”快乐而不过分。指表现的情感有节制。 附图 上传图片 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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