

温水煮青蛙对应英文:Warm boiled frog

是不是就像温水煮青蛙,时间长了,自己也适应了?对应英文:Is it right? Like frogs, a long time, they also adapt?

危险迹象大量存在,但如同著名的温水煮青蛙效应,我们似乎不能警醒我们自己。对应英文:Signs of danger abound, but like the famous warm boiled frog effect, we seem unable to rouse ourselves.

到目前为止,埃尔多安都非常精明,对待对手就像温水煮青蛙,慢慢的加温,使他们永远别意识到正在被煮。对应英文:So far, Mr Erdogan was very smart, treat opponents like frogs, slowly heating, so that they never realized that being cooked.

是不是就像温水煮青蛙,时间长了,自己也适应了?对应英文:Is it right? Like frogs, a long time, they also adapt?

危险迹象大量存在,但如同著名的温水煮青蛙效应,我们似乎不能警醒我们自己。对应英文:Signs of danger abound, but like the famous warm boiled frog effect, we seem unable to rouse ourselves.

到目前为止,埃尔多安都非常精明,对待对手就像温水煮青蛙,慢慢的加温,使他们永远别意识到正在被煮。对应英文:So far, Mr Erdogan was very smart, treat opponents like frogs, slowly heating, so that they never realized that being cooked.

我深知用温水去煮青蛙是行不通的,因为它早已适应了这个温度。对应英文:I know that with warm water to boil a frog is not feasible, because it has adapted to this temperature.

没错,我说的就是著名的“温水煮蛙”,冷水锅中的青蛙在逐渐升温的水中怡然自得,丝毫没有感到危险来临,直到被活活煮死。对应英文:Yes, I said, is the famous "warm boiled frog", a pot of cold water frogs in the gradual warming of the water be happy and pleased with oneself, did not feel the danger, until being boiled alive.

这是一个极难发现的温水煮青蛙的过程。对应英文:This is a very difficult to find the warm boiled frog process.


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