

月是故乡明对应英文:How much brighter the moonlight is at home

所谓月明思故乡,这里的月亮自然是比故乡更加明了。对应英文:The moon and think of home, it is naturally brighter than in my hometown.

月是故乡明,我什么时候能够再看到我故乡的月亮呀!我怅望南天,心飞向故里。对应英文:Bright is the moon, what time I can see my hometown moon! I look southward, my heart flies there.

中国的一句古诗“月是故乡明”就表达了这种对家乡和亲人的思念之情。对应英文:China's poem "bright is the moon" expressed the hometown and relatives of the missing.

所谓月明思故乡,这里的月亮自然是比故乡更加明了。对应英文:The moon and think of home, it is naturally brighter than in my hometown.

月是故乡明,我什么时候能够再看到我故乡的月亮呀!我怅望南天,心飞向故里。对应英文:Bright is the moon, what time I can see my hometown moon! I look southward, my heart flies there.

中国的一句古诗“月是故乡明”就表达了这种对家乡和亲人的思念之情。对应英文:China's poem "bright is the moon" expressed the hometown and relatives of the missing.


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