

苛政猛于虎对应英文:Tyranny is even more to be dreaded than tigers
孔子提“德治”,“为政以德,譬如北辰,居其所而众星共(拱)之”(《论语·为政》);孟子提“仁政”,“君行仁政,斯民亲其上  ,死其长也”(《孟子·梁惠王下》)。表达的都是儒家的政治主张。这则小故事,形象地说明了“苛政猛于虎”的道理,发人深省。

"夫子曰"小子()识()之,苛政猛于()虎也。"译文  孔子路过泰山的边上,看见有一个妇人在坟墓前哭得十...   ()苛政残暴的政令。   ()小子古时长者称晚辈为...对应英文:"The master said," boy () () of general, tyranny is fiercer than a tiger (). "The Confucius pass by on the edge of Taishan, he saw a woman in front of the tomb crying (ten) tyranny cruel decree... (in ancient times) boy younger elders say is...

《礼记·檀弓下》中有《苛政猛于虎》一文,记载孔子和弟子路过泰山时,遇到一名身世凄惨的妇女的故事。当地虎患严重,可就是因为没有苛刻的暴政,所以她和亲人宁愿一直住在...对应英文:"The book of Rites" Tan arch in the "tyranny is fiercer than tigers" one article, written Confucius and disciples pass by Taishan, met a tragic story of a woman. The tiger had severe, but because no harsh tyranny, so she and the family would have lived...

"那个妇人说"我的公公被老虎吃了,我的丈夫也被老虎吃了,现在我的儿子也被老虎吃了。"孔子问"那为什么不离开这里呢"妇人回答说"(这里)没有苛刻的暴政。"孔子说"...对应英文:"The woman said" my father-in-law was eaten by the tiger, my husband has been eaten by a tiger, now my son has been eaten by a tiger. "Confucius asked" why not leave here. "The woman replied" (here) no harsh tyranny. "Confucius said"...

"夫子问"何为不去也"曰"无苛政。"夫子曰"小子识之,苛政猛于虎也。" 翻译 孔子路过泰山的一侧,有一个在坟墓前哭的妇人看上去十分忧伤。孔子立起身来靠在横木上,...对应英文:"The teacher asked" what is not "said" no tyranny. "The master said," boy, knowledgeable, tyranny is fiercer than tigers also. "Translation Confucius pass by Taishan side in front of the tomb, there is a crying woman looked very sad. Confucius got up on the wooden bar,...

苛政猛于虎《礼记》 又名《苛政猛于虎也》 原文 孔子过泰山侧,有妇人哭于墓者而哀。夫子式而听之,使子路问之,曰"子之哭也,壹似重有忧者。"而曰"然。昔者吾舅死于虎...对应英文:Tyranny is fiercer than tigers "book of Rites" also known as "tyranny is fiercer than tigers also" the Confucius Taishan side, there is a woman wailing bitterly in front of a grave. Master type and listen, the Zi Lu asked, said "the cry, a similar weight of care. "But said". I my uncle died of tiger...

苛政猛于虎是孔子的一个观点,苛政就是苛刻的政治主张,暴政。孔子认为苛刻的暴政比老虎还厉害。对应英文:Tyranny is fiercer than tigers is a view Confucius, tyranny is demanding political views, tyranny. Confucius that harsh tyranny still worse than the tiger.

式同"轼",车前的横木 识(ì 志 四声)记住小子古时长辈对晚辈,或老师对学生的称呼。对应英文:And "Shi", the front stringer knowledge (ì Zhi four sound) remember that kid in the older generation to generation, or the teacher called on the students.

妇人对应英文:Married woman

当人从镜子中看到自己的真实面目时,会被吓得魂不附体。不知道我们从镜子中看到"苛政猛于虎也"之时,会不会吓得魂不附体   【阅读理解】   .解释   ①使让  ...对应英文:When people see their true face in the mirror, will be scared greatly frightened. Don't know what we see "tyranny is fiercer than tigers in the mirror", will frighten greatly frightened. [reading] interpretation made...

"夫子问"何为不去也"曰"无苛政。"夫子曰"小子识之,苛政猛于虎也。" ---- 寓意苛刻的暴政比老虎还要凶猛可怕。孔子提出"德治","为政以德,譬如北辰,居其所而众星共...对应英文:"The teacher asked" what is not "said" no tyranny. "The master said," boy, knowledgeable, tyranny is fiercer than tigers also. "-- meaning the harsh tyranny is fiercer than tigers scary. Confucius proposed "rule of virtue", "governing by morality, such as Beichen, in its place and all the stars...

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