

此处无银三百两对应英文:There is no silver three hundred and twenty

上面留字写道"此地无银三百两"。邻人阿二偷走了银子,也留字写道"隔壁阿二不曾偷"。 比喻想要隐瞒掩饰,结果反而暴露对应英文:On leaving the word wrote "a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure". O two neighbor stole money, also left the word wrote "the next two didn't steal". The analogy to hide hide, but the results of exposure

存了三百两银子,想把它藏起来,又怕被人偷去,想来想去,还是把它埋起来好。于是找了个隐蔽地方挖了个坑把银...上面写道"此地无银三百两"。他的邻居李四看到了这个牌子,大笑...对应英文:Save three hundred and twenty shekels of silver, to hide it, and afraid of being stolen, think it over and over again, or to bury it. So to find a hidden place to dig a hole to silver... Above wrote "a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure". His neighbor Li Si saw this brand, laugh...

此地无银三百两 【拼音】 ( ǐ ì ú í ā ǎ ǎ )编辑本段解 释 比喻想要隐瞒掩饰,结果反而暴露。编辑本段出 处 民间故事有人把银子埋藏地下,上面留字写道...对应英文:A clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure [phonetic] (ì Ji ì ú í ā ǎ ǎ) edit this section explain the parable to hide hide, but the results of exposure. Edit this paragraph is folk tale of one man buried his silver underground, it left the word wrote...

隔壁王二不曾偷对应英文:The next king two never steal

此地无银三百两 , 隔壁王二不曾偷 也作 隔壁阿二不曾偷开放分类 成语、文化、典故、俗语、词汇目录&...文 ― ...对应英文:A clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure, the next king two never steal for the next two didn't steal open classification idioms, culture, allusions, proverbs, vocabulary list

还是写了一行字,不过这次写的是此地有银三百两。于是这三百两银子再也没被偷过,几乎每一个路过的人都这么...走进现实生活中的今天,这种"此地无银三百两"的人和事也是经...对应英文:Or write a line of words, but this is written here has three hundred and twenty silver. So the three hundred and twenty silver never stolen, almost every pass by people so... Into the real world of today, this kind of "a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure" people and things is the...

这是个多底谜,已知的答案如下此地无银三百两 成语 欲盖弥彰 此地无银三百两 成语 蓄须明志 此地无银三百两 成语 虚有其表 此地无银三百两 成语 深藏若虚 此地无银三百两...对应英文:This is a bottom mystery, known the answer is a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure idioms reveals a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure idiom beard Mingzhi a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure idioms look impressive but lack real worth a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure idiom hide one's candle a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure...

此地无银三百两,隔壁阿二不曾偷。 不记得出自哪里,就是说有个人怕银子丢了,就埋在地下,又怕别人知道,就在旁边立了木简,写了上句隔壁的阿二看到木简后,暗笑这人真笨,...对应英文:A clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure, next door to a two didn't steal. Don't remember from where, is a person afraid of money lost, is buried in the ground, and afraid of others know, right next to the wooden slips, write the sentence the next two o see wooden slips, laughed this clumsy,...

此地无银三百两---不打自招记得采纳哦 呵呵对应英文:A clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure - did I remember the adoption of oh oh

但很多时候操作起来更类似无中生有,宛如平地立碑一块,上书"此地无银三百两",必然在周遭引来一些骚动和争议,从而将大众的关注点从危机本身部分转移到虚构的"碑"上面来...对应英文:But most of the time to operate more like out of thin air, like a piece of ground, a letter to "a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure", the inevitable around attracted some turmoil and controversy, which will be the public focus from crisis itself is partially transferred to the fictional "Bei" above...


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