

大开方便之门对应英文:Open the floodgates wide to
    词 目
    发 音
    dà kāi fāng biàn zhī mén
    释 义
    出 处
    示 例

特别地,这一模式还为耗资巨大的建设项目大开方便之门:比如高铁、钢厂、通信网络以及港口设施。对应英文:In particular, this pattern also is the huge cost of construction project open the floodgates wide to: for example High-speed Rail, steel mills, communication network and port facilities.

宋代通过一系列的科举改革使科举制度达到完备,从而为文士们大开方便之门,为文官制度的发展作了最有效的保障。对应英文:The Song Dynasty through a series of imperial examination reform of the imperial examination system to complete, so as to open the floodgates wide to the scholars, for the development of the civil service system as the most effective security.

本周稍早时间,微软为IE中一个备受瞩目的安全缺陷提供了临时解决办法,那个漏洞为入侵者大开方便之门,受害人的IE会宕机并且任意代码得以在其电脑上运行。对应英文:Earlier this week, Microsoft provide a temporary solution to a high-profile security defects in IE, the vulnerability for intruders to open the floodgates wide to, the IE will crash and to run arbitrary code on the computer.

特别地,这一模式还为耗资巨大的建设项目大开方便之门:比如高铁、钢厂、通信网络以及港口设施。对应英文:In particular, this pattern also is the huge cost of construction project open the floodgates wide to: for example High-speed Rail, steel mills, communication network and port facilities.

宋代通过一系列的科举改革使科举制度达到完备,从而为文士们大开方便之门,为文官制度的发展作了最有效的保障。对应英文:The Song Dynasty through a series of imperial examination reform of the imperial examination system to complete, so as to open the floodgates wide to the scholars, for the development of the civil service system as the most effective security.

本周稍早时间,微软为IE中一个备受瞩目的安全缺陷提供了临时解决办法,那个漏洞为入侵者大开方便之门,受害人的IE会宕机并且任意代码得以在其电脑上运行。对应英文:Earlier this week, Microsoft provide a temporary solution to a high-profile security defects in IE, the vulnerability for intruders to open the floodgates wide to, the IE will crash and to run arbitrary code on the computer.

这为机构、游资等投机资金在新股首日上市的疯狂炒作大开了方便之门。对应英文:This body, as speculative hot money in the fund shares listed on the first day of frenzied speculation open convenient ways.

为解决这个问题,某些网络端口必须常开,这也就为可能的网络攻击大开了方便之门。对应英文:In order to solve this problem, some network port must be open, which also for possible network attacks opened convenient ways.

急迫“解决”危机的行为为政府在多方面展开行动大开方便之门,但在大部分方面这些行为对危机本身和危机的根源都基本于事无补。对应英文:The rush to "solve" the crisis behavior for government action in many ways open the floodgates wide to, but the root in most of these activities on the crisis and crisis are the basic It doesn't help the situation.

但达成协议促进目标实现十一回事;为僵尸观念大开方便之门是另一回事。对应英文:But an agreement to promote the realization of the goal of the eleven thing; a zombie idea open the floodgates wide to another.

如果我们的系统不要求这两个实体的标识性特征,那将为诈骗行为大开方便之门。对应英文:If the identification features of our system does not require the two entity, it will open the floodgates wide to fraud.

分析人士称,这为恐怖分子混入敏感部门或公司任职高层大开方便之门。对应英文:Analysts said, this post top open the floodgates wide to terrorists with sensitive department or company.

毕竟在黑客活动日益猖獗的网络世界,没有一家公司或政府部门敢于冒风险,购买不堪一击的设备,为潜在的对手访问其网络大开方便之门。对应英文:After all, the hacker activity increasingly rampant Internet world, no company or government departments to take risks, to buy the equipment cannot withstand a single blow, open the floodgates wide to as potential rivals to access the network.

在金融方面,保护主义尤为严重,中国一方面给国际银行大开方便之门,另一方面又对它们明显的歧视。对应英文:On the financial side, protectionism is particularly serious, China hand to open the floodgates wide to international banks, on the other hand, to their apparent discrimination.

融化的冰雪不仅直接流入大海,还在冰下形成湍流,为冰川滑向海洋大开方便之门。对应英文:The melting of snow is not only directly into the sea, the formation of turbulence is still under the ice, for the ice to open the floodgates wide to the sea.

加州的宪法为景气时期的较高支出大开方便之门,导致了政府在经济低迷时期捉襟见肘。对应英文:The constitution of California higher spending in good time open the floodgates wide to, led to the government too in the downturn.

2006年10月,火箭队超级明星特雷西-麦克格雷迪和克莉兰达-哈里丝结婚时,两夫妻对公众大开方便之门。对应英文:In 2006 October, the Rockets superstar Tracey Mcgrady and Cleeland Da ha Lisi marriage, husband and wife for two public open the floodgates wide to.

戈夫先生说他想要提高当老师的门槛,而师资短缺的方面比如科学和语言方面为老师大开方便之门。对应英文:Mr. Goff said that he wants to raise the threshold when the teacher, and the teacher shortage areas such as science and language teachers open the floodgates wide to.

这项规定为白人外迁者大开方便之门,并对美国试图整合学校的努力加上了宪法限制。对应英文:This provision for white flight open the floodgates wide to, and the USA to integrate its schools with the efforts of a constitutional limit.

由于贸易自由化是环境问题产生的罪魁祸首,而对环境的关注有可能为贸易保护主义大开方便之门,制约贸易自由化的发展。对应英文:The trade liberalization is arch-criminal of environmental problems, and concern for the environment has the potential to open the floodgates wide to trade protectionism, which restrict the development of trade liberalization.

这些攻击常常在受害人点击某个网络连接之后,就能奏效,于是用户电脑就为犯罪分子大开方便之门,被置于他人的掌控之下。对应英文:After the attack, often connected to the victim clicks on a network can be effective, so the user computer for criminals to open the floodgates wide to be placed under the control of others.

这就为邪恶大开方便之门,在我们这个时代,它已畅通无阻、屡见不鲜。对应英文:This will open the floodgates wide to evil, in our time, it has SMOOTH OPERATOR, It is often seen.

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