

国清才子贵对应英文:Guoqing wit you

世浊佳人迷其实原文应该是国清才子贵,家富小儿娇对应英文:The game actually voiced beauty should be Guoqing wit your, rich home children

国清才子贵,家富小儿娇对应英文:Guoqing wit your, rich home children

国清才子贵 ,家富小儿娇对应英文:Guoqing wit your, rich home children

(一个国家在)政治清明的时候,才子就变得珍贵(因为治国需要),富贵的家庭养出来的小孩多为娇贵。对应英文:(a country) political Qingming, talent becomes precious (because the country need to), the rich family out of the child for the delicate.

应该是 国家政策清明了 有才能的人就能受欢迎 受重视 家里富有了 家中的孩子生活就会比较安定对应英文:National policies should be clear the talented people who will welcome attention home rich home children would be more stable

杰阁枕平川 慧通则流那可测 杰出方名席上珍 慧得国清才子贵 杰构凌霄景运新对应英文:Jie Ge pillow Pingchuan Huitong flow that measurable outstanding party Xi Shangzhen Hui to Guoqing wit your K peak Jing Yunxin

国清才子贵 家富小儿娇对应英文:Guoqing wit your home rich children

慧日皎重轮 天生才子佳人配 思亮北海徐刘辈 世情爱古兼爱奇 自是君王正沈醉 慧得国清才子贵 楼主你选吧对应英文:Hui, Jiao wheel naturally gifted scholars and beautiful ladies with SL Beihai Xu Liubei world fond love odd since King is intoxicated Hui to Guoqing wit your landlord you choose

爱初翔凤尾 毛发生清风 国清才子贵 峰前明翡翠 我爱乐天文 爱山花木深 毛郑古诗义 国朝广仁恩 峰头生白云 我国太平年 爱人兼爱山 毛遂早成事 国光炳大观 峰峦总一般 ...对应英文:The beginning of love fly Phoenix Mao Fasheng breeze Guoqing wit your peak before Ming jade mountain flowers deep love I love astronomy Mao Zheng Gu Shiyi Guang Renen Feng firstborn Baiyun our country peaceful year love love Shan Mao Sui early do Guoguang Bing grand total general peaks...

圣贤言语,神钦鬼伏。人各有心,心各有见。口说不如身逢,耳闻不如目见。养军千日,用在一朝。国清才子贵,家富小儿骄。利刀割体痕易合,恶语伤人恨不消。公道世间唯白发,...对应英文:Sage words, God, ghost v. The heart, heart have see. Speaking as before, nothing is better to see for oneself. Talented persons are to be maintained in the course of long years, but to be used in the nick of time. Guoqing wit your, home rich children. A knife cut body marks easily, abusable hates needless. The only fair hair,...


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