

鸡窝飞出金凤凰对应英文:Chicken coop flying out of Phoenix

通常用来比喻在不好的环境下的有成就的人.对应英文:Usually used to describe in a bad environment, successful people

你要有个蜕变了,是往好的方向发展,恭喜对应英文:You need to have a change, is moving in a good direction, congratulations

鸡窝里飞出金凤凰--异想天开对应英文:A chicken coop flying out of Phoenix, indulge in the wildest fantasy

鸡窝里飞出金风凰--异想天开 假期做梦----休想 凤凰跌到鸡窝里--落魄了对应英文:The hen house fly out of Golden Phoenix, indulge in the wildest fantasy vacation dream ---- going to Phoenix down -- down the henhouse

直译是 ' 不过不知你想表达什么和简历的用途对应英文:Literal translation is' but I do not know the use of what you want to express and resume

鸡窝里飞出了金凤凰的故事。 传说有一种叫做凤凰的鸟。凤凰是幸福的象征。凤凰不是天生的,是普通的鸟长成...从现在起,你要走出鸡窝,到这个世界上去闯闯。你不是立志要做...对应英文:The hen house fly out of the Golden Phoenix story. There is a legend called the Phoenix bird. Phoenix is a symbol of happiness. Phoenix is not born, is a common bird grow... From now on, you have to get out into the world to chicken coop, Chuang chuang. You are not to do...

几十年的教训证明,这样的怪词长久不了,过些年就没人听得懂了。什么凤凰男啊孔雀女啊,简直是玷污凤凰和孔雀。 你也别学那些记者的坏毛病,一碰到难题,若从家庭小处着手...对应英文:Decades of lessons, such a strange word can not last long, a few years no one understand. What Phoenix man ah female peacock ah, it is defiled the Phoenix and peacock. You can't learn bad habits of those reporters, encountered a problem, if the family small start...

凤凰窝里飞出一条连裤祙............................对应英文:Phoenix nest flying out of a boiler due to...

申猴 杀鸡儆猴尖嘴猴腮沐猴而冠猴年马月火中取栗树倒猢狲散 酉鸡 鸡飞蛋打鸡毛蒜皮鸡零狗碎鸡犬不宁鸡皮鹤...鸡窝里飞出金凤凰--异想天开 狗狗拿耗子--多管闲事 狗咬吕...对应英文:Monkey monkey like God knows how long a worthless person in imposing attire punish someone as a warning to others out of fire chestnut powder Rooster all is lost. trifles bits and pieces into goose crane... Monkey down a chicken coop flying out of Phoenix, indulge in the wildest fantasy dog with mouse - nosy dog bites lu...

跳出山窝的农村小子--鸡窝里飞出金凤凰,故称【凤凰男】农村身份打下的烙印,使他们与孔雀女--城市女孩的爱情婚姻和家庭,产生种种矛盾她们喜欢"开屏",有意无意地"显摆"...对应英文:Out of Valley Rural boys -- a chicken coop flying out of Phoenix, so Phoenix man [] rural identity marks, so that they and the female Peacock - city girls love marriage and family, have all sorts of contradictions they like "Peacock", naturally or half unconsciously to "show off"...


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