

金榜提名时对应英文:Jinbang nomination

应该是金榜题名 ( ī ǎ í í ) 解释 金榜科举时代殿试揭晓的黄榜,题名写上名字,指科举得中。 出处 五代王定保《唐摭言》第三卷"何扶,太和九年及第明年,...对应英文:Should have passed the examination (H ǎ í í) explain Jinbang Imperial Palace announced the Yellow list, write the title name, refers to the imperial examination in. The five generation of Wang Dingbao from "T'ang Chih yen" volume third "Ho Fu, wo nine years and the next year,...

金榜题名 ( ī ǎ í í ) 解 释 金榜科举时代殿试揭晓的黄榜题名写上名字。指科举得中。 出 处 五代·王定保《唐摭言》第三卷"何扶,太和九年及第明年,捷三...对应英文:Have passed the examination (H ǎ í í) interpretation and write over Imperial Palace announced the Yellow list Title name. The imperial examination in. The five generation of Wang Dingbao "T'ang Chih yen" volume third "Ho Fu, wo nine years and the next year, three czech...

出自南宋洪迈写四喜诗久旱逢甘雨,他乡遇故知,洞房花烛夜,金榜提名时对应英文:From the Southern Song Hong Mai write Sixi poem welcome rain after a long drought, the event of old, their wedding festivities night, Jinbang nomination

登科后 孟郊 昔日龌龊不足夸,今朝旷荡恩无涯 春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花。对应英文:Meng Jiao admitted after the old filth shortage Kua, currently open down en boundless horse hoof disease, every day to see Changan flower.

王道初显浩荡气 亚魁岂能称我心 乾坤逆转待吾复 金戈铁马试勇武 榜上有名看文章 提笔能写定国策 名扬天下好儿郎 这个藏头诗蛮难写的,参考一下吧!对应英文:Wang Hao structure sub Kui can first called me until my heart sharp reversal complex a symbol of war in ancient China Shi Yongwu on the list to see the pen can write set national policy Mingyangtianxia goodboy the possession of the first poem very difficult to write, refer to it!

龙门鱼跃偿夙愿 金榜题名看今朝 合家欢乐迎富贵内外平安大发财对应英文:Longmen Yuyue wish to have passed the examination see happiness towards prosperity and peace large fortune

是"金榜题名" 这个词语吧. 金榜题名ī ǎ í í 【解释】金榜科举时代称殿试揭晓的榜题名写上名字。指科举得中。 【出自】五代·五王保《唐摭言》卷三"...对应英文:"Have passed the examination." the words have passed the examination h ǎ í í [explain] Jinbang Imperial Palace announced the list of known written on the title name. The imperial examination in. [from] five · five Wang Bao "T'ang Chih yen" volume three"...

金榜题名,是指确定已上了金榜了,而提名是指候选人。古代有人生四大喜事之说久旱逢甘雨,他乡遇故知,洞房花烛夜,金榜题名时。对应英文:Have passed the examination, refers to the determination on Jinbang nomination, and refers to the candidate. In ancient times, four good life say welcome rain after a long drought, the great country wedding festivities, night, have passed the examination at.

想进入好的学校,但是对自己的目标没有充分的自信.对应英文:Want to get into a good school, but full of confidence not on your goals

金榜题名"而不是"金榜提名""提"字错了对应英文:Have passed the examination "instead of" Jinbang nomination "". "The word wrong


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