

临阵磨枪不快也亮对应英文:Displeasure also bright

成语临阵磨枪 拼音í è ó ā 解释 临到,快要阵阵地、战场枪指梭镖、长矛一类的武器。到了快要上阵打仗的时候才磨刀擦枪。比喻事到临头才匆忙准备。 出...对应英文:Idioms in pinyin í è ó ā interpretation upon, almost bursts, battlefield gun to spear, spear type weapons. When going for battle to Modaocaqiang. Metaphor into action to rush to get ready. Out...

临阵磨枪,不亮也光。这是日常对临时抱佛脚的另外一种说法。而楼上的各位说的,虽然意思似乎挺恰当,但没有这种说法,正确的是临阵磨枪,不亮也光。意思为到了临近打仗的时...对应英文:But, not bright and light. This is daily on cramming another argument. But you upstairs said, although it seems to be appropriate, but no such statement is correct, but not too light, bright. At the end of the war to the...

因为 临阵磨枪 不快也亮 意思是临战的时候,磨枪,这把枪呢,就算不锋利,杀人起来,也爽快一些 临时抱佛脚 越抱越蹩脚 意思是考试的时候,才来抱佛脚,没用。 希望我的回...对应英文:Because the displeasure also bright means the time, guns, this gun, even if is not sharp, homicide, have accepted some last-minute embrace increasingly poor means when the examination, only to cram, useless. I hope my back...

临阵磨枪,不快也亮对应英文:But, not quickly also light

临阵磨枪 发 音 í è ó ā 释 义 到了快要上阵打仗的时候才磨刀擦枪。比喻事到临头才匆忙准备。 ...临阵磨枪,不快也光" 是指事到临头才做准备,尽管不会...对应英文:But the sound í è ó ā release righteousness to it for battle to Modaocaqiang. Metaphor into action to rush to get ready. ... for, not quickly also light "refers to an end to prepare, though not...

塞翁失马--焉知非福 心字头上一把刀--(忍) (掩耳盗铃)--自欺欺人 (临阵磨枪 )--不快也亮对应英文:A blessing in disguise heart -- the prefix of a knife - (can) (a) - (in) - not deceive oneself and others soon too bright

塞翁失马,焉知非福,心字头上一把刀忍,临阵磨枪不快也亮对应英文:Misfortune may be an actual blessing., a knife heart prefix can, displeasure also bright

对应英文:This is a tool based on Google Translator !


临阵磨枪,不快也亮 诚实面对,积极争取 简单介绍,不作深入,了解其好/自己所长,避重就轻,适当展开 (以后工作多向同事学习专业) 祝君好运对应英文:But, not quickly also light is honest, positive for the simple introduction, not deeply, understand its / their director, evade the crucial point, appropriate expansion (later work more to colleagues to learn professional) good luck to you


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