

庙穷和尚富对应英文:Poor temple and Shang Fu

出自庙穷和尚富,腹围过三尺。信民常奉献,日餐鸭与鸡。口中常念善,肚有杀人机。佛祖知不知料来只笑痴!意思是讽刺那些揩了公家的油,富了自己,穷了公家的行为或人。...对应英文:From the temple is still poor and rich, abdominal circumference of three feet. People often offer meals, duck and chicken. Goodness often read in the mouth, stomach is killing machine. Buddha know the material to Xiaochi! Meaning is to satirize those who wipe the public oil, rich, poor behavior or public. ...

出自庙穷和尚富,腹围过三尺。 信民常奉献,日餐鸭与鸡。 口中常念善,肚有杀人机。 佛祖知不知料来只笑痴! 意思是讽刺那些揩了公家的油,富了自己,穷了公家的行为或人...对应英文:From the temple is still poor and rich, abdominal circumference of three feet. People often offer meals, duck and chicken. Goodness often read in the mouth, stomach is killing machine. Buddha know the material to Xiaochi! Meaning is to satirize those who wipe the public oil, rich, poor behavior or public...

"穷庙富方丈"是当今经济发展中出现的一种不和谐现象,指的是一个企业、一个集体在发展中逐渐走向贫困,而这...当然有许多庙里的"和尚",在"富方丈"的带领下,变富有的也很多...对应英文:"Poor rich Temple Abbot" is the emergence of the economic development in a disharmonious phenomenon, refers to an enterprise, a collective in the developing gradually to poverty, and this... Of course there are many Temple "monk", in "the rich monk" under the leadership of the rich, many...

和尚庙多属纯阳之居所,包括庙宇、教堂、祠堂之类。 古人认为,纯阳之居所附近是不适合居住的。 有个口诀庙前贫,庙后富,庙子左右出寡妇。 不过那也不是迷信,可以理解,...对应英文:The monks of the temple of infantile residence, including the temple, church, temple. The ancients believed that, near the infantile residence is not suitable for living. There is a table in front of the temple of the temple after the poor, rich, Miao Zi about widow. But that's not superstition, can understand,...


话说从前四川边境那儿有一座庙,庙里住着两个和尚一个是穷光蛋,另一个则是百万富翁。 有一天,穷和尚对富和尚说"我想去南海去拜见观音菩萨。"富和尚听了,先是愣了一下...对应英文:Said the past the Sichuan border there is a temple, the temple lived two monks is a pauper, the other is a millionaire. One day, the rich poor monk monk said: "I want to go to sea to see a Buddism godness Guanyin bodhisattva. "The rich monk heard, was stupefied...

话说从前四川边境那儿有一座庙,庙里住着两个和尚一个是穷光蛋,另一个则是百万富翁。   有一天,穷和尚对富和尚说"我想去南海去拜见观音菩萨。"富和尚听了,先是愣...对应英文:Said the past the Sichuan border there is a temple, the temple lived two monks is a pauper, the other is a millionaire. One day, the rich poor monk monk said: "I want to go to sea to see a Buddism godness Guanyin bodhisattva. "The rich monk listen, first leng...

有一天,他听到龙门寺饭钟打响,赶到庙里时,和尚们却都开过了饭。老和尚说"秀才呀!说句不好听的话,和尚是...你可不是出家人哪!" 吕蒙正听了满脸通红,张口结舌,说不出一句...对应英文:One day, he heard the Longmen Temple dinner bell rings, rushed to the temple, the monks are after the meal. The old monk said "the scholar! Did not sound good, you are not a people which is... A monk!" Lv Mengzheng listened to all red in the face, be Agape and tongue-tied, could not say a word...

我们都看见宝马、笔记本电脑、苹果手机、尼姑买万的豪宅啦!…… --莫不是穷庙富方丈!对应英文:We all saw BMW, notebook computer, mobile phone, apple nun buy million mansion!...... -- not the poor rich temple abbot!

黄鼠狼的腚--放不出什么好屁来 ·耗子啃皮球--客(嗑)气 ·和尚庙对着尼姑庵--没事也得有事 ·和尚的木鱼--合不拢嘴 ·豁牙子拜师傅--无耻(齿)之徒 ·豁子喝米汤--...对应英文:The weasel buttocks -- not what good fart to come, the rat gnawed ball - Ke (KE) Muyu gas, monk of the temple to the nunnery -- nothing to something, monk - close not approach mouth · Huo tooth worship master -- shameless (tooth) and · Huo Zi drink rice --...


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