

起死人肉白骨,是指把死人救活,使白骨再长出肉来。比喻给人极大的恩德。 出自《国语·吴语》。

代表医术高明,也可用作灵丹妙药。。夸张的手法说能吧死人都医活过来。对应英文:On behalf of skill, but also can be used as a ready-made panacea.. Exaggeration can now dead and alive.

应该解释为使死人活过来,使白骨再长出肉来。喻给人以再造之恩。 也指言词之委婉动听,将死的也说活了。其中"起"是动词的使动用法,意为"使……活过来""肉"是名词的使...对应英文:Should explain to the dead, so that the bones to grow meat. Compared to the grace of rebirth. Also refers to words of euphemism, dying is also said to live. The "play" is a verb causative usage, meaning "...... "Live" meat "is a noun...

,能活死人而肉白骨,就是救活死人 让白骨长肉对应英文:Can the living dead, but the meat bones, is to save the dead flesh to bones

这句话的意思是大王对于越国来说,如同把死人救活,使白骨再长出肉来。对应英文:The meaning of this sentence is the king for the country, like revive the dead, so that the bones to grow meat.

" 门卫哪里会相信他能把死人治活,不屑地说"先生别吹牛了,人死了怎么能治活呢我听说古时候有位神医,他治...自然可以让太子起死回生如果没这个本事还说大话,恐怕连三岁...对应英文:"The guard where will believe he can bring the dead for living, disdain said" Mr. don't brag, people died. How can cure you live I heard in ancient times there was a doctor, he treated... Nature can let the prince make the dead come back to life if not the ability to brag about it, maybe even three years old...

把死人治活,使白骨上再长出肉来,形容医术高明。对应英文:The treatment of the dead live, long bones and meat, describe learned.

原文 起死人而肉白骨 使死人活过来,使白骨长出肉来,比喻给人以极大的恩惠。 也写作"生死人而肉白骨"、"生死肉骨"、"肉骨生死"对应英文:The people that the meat bones to the dead, so that the bones grow meat, compared to people with great grace. Writing "life and death and the meat bones", "flesh and bone", "meat and bone"

名字已登上鬼录了。指人将要死亡或已经死亡。【起死回骸】使死人或死东西复活。形容医术高明。比喻挽救了...【起死人肉白骨】把死人救活,使白骨再长出肉来。比喻给人极...对应英文:Name had been boarded Guilu. The people will be dead or dead. [to] make the dead or make a dead thing again. Describe a skill. Metaphor has saved... [had] revive the dead human bones, so bones to grow meat. Compared to the people...

起死人肉白骨 把死人救活,使白骨再长出肉来。比喻给人极大的恩德。 皮开肉绽 皮肉都裂开了。形容伤势严重... 起死人而肉白骨 把死人救活,使白骨再长出肉来对应英文:To revive the dead human bones, so bones to grow meat. Metaphors give great kindness. Badly bruised from flogging. flesh ripped out. Describe seriously... People and revive the dead meat bones, so bones to grow meat

生死人而肉白骨 使死人活过来,使白骨长出肉来,比喻给人以极大的恩惠.对应英文:Life and death and the meat bones to the dead, so that the bones grow meat, compared to people with great kindness


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