

乳犊不怕虎对应英文:Dairy calves are not afraid of tigers

胆壮气粗 赴险如夷 敢作敢当 浑身是胆 剑胆琴心 临难不恐 临危不苟 临危不顾 临危不惧 履险若夷 扪虱而谈 欺霜傲雪 乳犊不怕虎 生寄死归 无所顾忌 无所忌惮 无所畏惧...对应英文:Danzhuangqicu Fuxianruyi game full of courage and face danger fearlessly in the lurch jiandanqinxin Linnanbukong critical stand firm and unyielding dairy calves are not afraid of tigers Lvxianruoyi crack lice and chat mainly originated go all lengths without restraint be fearless...

虎大伤人 苛政猛于虎 拉大旗作虎皮 前怕狼,后怕虎 前怕龙,后怕虎 乳犊不怕虎 三夫成市虎 山上无老虎,猴子称大王 一山不藏二虎对应英文:Tyranny is fiercer than tigers tiger. Use the great banner as a tiger-skin fear wolves ahead and tigers behind fear dragons ahead and tigers before, dairy calves are not afraid of tigers Sanfo into tiger mountain without the tiger, Monkey King said one mountain can not hide two tigers

生龙活虎 三人成虎 人中龙虎 如龙似虎 如狼如虎 如虎生翼 如虎傅翼 如虎得翼 乳犊不怕虎 如虎添翼 如狼似虎 前门去虎,后门进狼 敲山震虎 敲山振虎 前怕龙,后怕虎 潜龙...对应英文:Among the people full of vigor and vitality with might redoubled to vibrant ferocious person of exceptional ability Ruhudeyi dairy calf is not afraid of a tiger to be a tiger with wings added be fierce tigers tiger front door, back door into the wolf Qiaoshanzhenhu to fear the dragon, Tiger Hidden Dragon "...

后门进狼、前怕狼,后怕虎、前怕龙,后怕虎 敲山振虎、敲山震虎、驱羊攻虎、乳犊不怕虎、如虎得翼 如虎傅翼、如虎生翼、如虎添翼、如狼似虎、如狼如虎 如龙似虎、人中龙...对应英文:The back door into the wolf, fear wolves ahead and tigers behind, fearing dragons ahead and tigers, to, Qiaoshanzhenhu, Quyanggonghu, dairy calves are not afraid of tigers, Ruhudeyi to, be a tiger with wings added, with might redoubled, be fierce tigers, vibrant, ferocious person the dragon...

比喻人生短促。 日久见人心 日子长了,就可以看出一个人的为人怎样。 乳犊不怕虎 比喻年轻人没有畏惧,敢做敢为。 山锐则不高 比喻人太露锋茫,就成不了大事。 树倒猢孙...对应英文:Metaphor of life short. Time reveals a man's heart. long days, we can see a man how to. Dairy calves are not afraid of tigers parable of a young man without fear, dare to dare. Sharp hill is not high: too much front Mang, you can't do great things as. The tree fell monkey sun...

人间重晚晴 人生路不熟 人生面不熟 人生如朝露 人心隔肚皮 日近长安远 日久见人心 乳犊不怕虎 瑞雪兆丰年 三百六十行 三夫成市虎 三思而后行 三下五除二 杀人不见血 ...对应英文:Respect seniors be totally strange life face unfamiliar Life is transient. heart septum belly near Changan far Time reveals a man's heart. dairy calves are not afraid of tigers Mega Ruixue year three hundred and sixty Sanfo into tiger look before you leap neat and quick kill without spilling blood...

乳犊不怕虎 比喻年轻人没有畏惧,敢做敢为。 山锐则不高 比喻人太露锋茫,就成不了大事。 树倒猢孙散 树倒了,树上的猴子就散去。比喻靠山一旦垮台,随从的人也就一哄而...对应英文:Dairy calves are not afraid of tigers parable of a young man without fear, dare to dare. Sharp hill is not high: too much front Mang, you can't do great things as. The tree fell monkey Sun San a fallen tree, tree monkeys scatter. Metaphor. Once the collapse, the men will roar...

老牛舐犊 老牛舔小牛。比喻父母疼爱子女。 舐犊情深 比喻对子女的慈爱。 乳犊不怕虎 比喻年轻人没有畏惧,敢做敢为。 犊牧采薪 喻指老而无妻的人。 卖犊买刀 谓出卖耕...对应英文:Parental love. ox licks the calf. Compare our parents love their children. Deep mother love story for children love. Dairy calves are not afraid of tigers parable of a young man without fear, dare to dare. Simile of the old bachelor metaphor refers to the old and no wife. Buy sell calves that sell tillage knife...

如狼似虎 象狼和虎一样凶狠。比喻非常凶暴残忍。 乳犊不怕虎 比喻年轻人没有畏惧,敢做敢为。 三人成虎 三个人谎报城市里有老虎,听的人就信以为真。比喻说的人多了,...对应英文:Be fierce tigers like the wolf and tiger like fierce. Metaphor is very cruel and ferocious. Dairy calves are not afraid of tigers parable of a young man without fear, dare to dare. Three tiger three false Tiger City, people who listen for Gospel truth. Parable of many people,...

后门进狼 龙争虎斗 骑虎难下 乔龙画虎 前怕狼,后怕虎 前怕龙,后怕虎 驱羊攻虎 乳犊不怕虎 如虎添翼 如狼似虎 为虎添翼 为虎作伥 势成骑虎 生龙活虎 三人成虎 投畀豺虎...对应英文:The back door into the wolf a dragon and a tiger in combat back pay hypocritical court to fear wolves ahead and tigers behind fear dragons ahead and tigers, Quyanggonghu dairy calves are not afraid of tigers be a tiger with wings added help a villain do evil be fierce tigers play the Jackal to the tiger tiger among the people throw full of vigor and vitality...


出处 《庄子·知北游》:“德将为汝美,道将为汝居,汝瞳焉如新出之犊,而无求其故。” 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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