

世间若要人情好对应英文:The world to human good

而是格言,世间宝物不坚牢 彩云易散玻璃碎 世间若要人情好 赊去货物不要讨 休将我语同他话 未必他心似我心 任他雪山高万丈 太阳一出化长江 初生犊儿不怕虎 长出角来倒...对应英文:But the motto, the treasure not fast Choi scattered glass broken world to human good credit to the goods don't get off my words with him not his heart my heart let him mountain high lofty sun out the Yangtze River born Du Er is not afraid of a tiger horns to pour...

人情世故啊,好的就是温暖的如朋友的问候,鼓励等,卑劣的就是冷的、心凉的如势利、、对应英文:Traditional code of conduct, good is as warm as the greetings to friends, encourage, despicable is cold, cold heart such as snobbish,,

人以群分也许只有杜甫是个真正品了人间的冷暖和体会世间百态的人吧对应英文:Birds of a feather flock together. perhaps only Du Fu is a really genuine human well-being and the experience of phenomena in the world people

莫问人间悲欢离合对应英文:There is no human grief at separation and joy in Union

我认为吧 或许和 高科技有一定关系,生产力发展了,每个人独自解决问题的能力增强了,人与人之间的帮助接触都少了,自己独处时间加长,人就变得越来越在乎自己了,随之而来...对应英文:I think maybe and high-tech have certain relations, the development of productive forces, each person the ability to solve problem alone enhanced, between the person and person's help contact less, alone time longer, people become more and more care about yourself, it...

人言可畏,确实如此,但如果洁身自好,防微杜渐,是可以很好的生存的。明星里面有我们的典范傅彪、刘若英、徐静蕾等等,他们就很少甚至没有绯闻,为什么他们懂得与媒体周...对应英文:People will talk., indeed, but if abstinence, check erroneous ideas at the outset, can be very good to survive. The star model, we have Fu Biao, Rene Liu, Xu Jinglei and so on, they have little or No gossip, why do they know and media week...

老是抱着做每一件事都有回报的心态去活,是很累的,自己认为对待别人已经很好了,可在别人立场看来,并非最好,有可能会热脸帖到冷屁腚上了,几时都要以对得起自己良心做事...对应英文:Always hold everything return attitude to live, is very tired, they think others has been very good, but it is not the best position, in others, there may be hot face with cold fart Mao, when to be worthy of my own conscience...

人都是有好有坏对应英文:People are good and bad

救主耶稣说"人若赚得全世界,赔上自己的生命,有什么益处呢人还能拿什么换生命"   推荐你看一本书《游...   愿你透过世间人情冷暖,认识上帝永恒的爱。对应英文:The Lord Jesus said "a man if he gains the whole world, and lose his own life, what good does it do what can a man for life" recommend you to read a book "tour... May you through the world Men's feelings are changeable., know God's eternal love.

金钱名声这些命中有的东西自然会有 生命都如做一场梦般虚幻更不用说为何还要煞费苦心去追求梦里的东西.世上之人熙熙攘攘皆为了名来利往如果你什么都没有.无它人可利用...对应英文:Money name these hit some things there will be a natural life as a dream like illusion not to mention why rack one's brains to pursue the dream of things. The world's people streams of people busily coming and going all in order to Minglailiwang if you what are not. No one can use...


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