

不得已而为之对应英文:It is necessary
【释 义】 没有办法,只能这样做。 【出 处】 宋·辛弃疾《九议》
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科索沃宣布有条件的独立是不得已而为之的现实,但别自欺欺人地说这没有开了一个先例。对应英文:Kosovo's declaration of conditional independence is necessary for the reality, but don't kid yourself that this is not a precedent.

最后,近期的历史经验告诉我们,应在实力充沛之时从固定货币制度转为灵活的货币制度,避免在经济疲弱时不得已而为之。对应英文:Finally, the recent historical experience tells us that should be in the strength of the monetary system from fixed to a flexible monetary system, to avoid the economy is weak when necessary.

布什政府星期一表示,为了避免一场财政危机,政府接管两房其实是不得已而为之。对应英文:The bush administration said Monday, in order to avoid a fiscal crisis, government takeover of fannie and Freddie actually as a last resort.

所有这一切无疑培养了一种理智,一种极其冷静的设想——使用暴力是不得已而为之。对应英文:All this no doubt has trained a reason, a kind of extremely sober vision - the use of violence as a last resort.

布什总统和保尔森还进一步向美国人民作出承诺,他们采取"前所未有的"措施是不得已而为之,这些措施是有限的、临时性的。对应英文:President bush and paulson also further commitment to the American people, they take "unprecedented" measures are forced to work on, these measures are limited and temporary.

后来波尔克这样写到:“我们并不是为了征服而战争,而是为了我们尽可能以和平方式从墨西哥获得加利福尼亚和其他地方不得已而为之。”对应英文:Later the polk wrote: "we are not meant to conquer and war, but for us as much as possible in order to get California from Mexico and other places in a peaceful way to."

法庭裁决医生是不得已而为之,他别无选择。对应英文:Court doctor is forced to work on, he had no choice.

问:美国总统布什表示,他支持巴基斯坦总统穆沙拉夫是不得已而为之;对应英文:Q: US President bush said he supports Pakistan's President pervez musharraf is forced to;

这是为了适应舍瓦和巴拉克所做的调整,也是由于梦魇般的伤病不得已而为之的选择。对应英文:This is in order to adapt to andriy shevchenko and Michael ballack have done adjust, nightmare injury is due to the necessity of choice.

在动力集中系统中,对支路和末端设备的流量调节,采用改变阻力的方式是不得已而为之。对应英文:In power centralized system, the flow control of branch and terminal equipment, adopt the way of change resistance is necessary.

若你还不能偿还,典当行最终将会出售抵押品。但是典当商这么做是不得已而为之的,因为他们特别依赖从回头客身上赚钱。对应英文:If you can't repay, pawn shops will eventually sell collateral.

虽然动武也是一个选项,作为一个母亲,我希望让孩子和美国士兵失去生命是最后的不得已而为之的举措。对应英文:Although military force is also an option, as a mother, I hope to let the child and the American soldiers lost their lives is the last of the last move.


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