

翻脸不认人对应英文:Turn not to recognize people
翻脸不认人   拼音:    解释: 比喻不从长远考虑,稍有矛盾,立刻翻脸。

在八月对格鲁吉亚采取军事行动后,俄罗斯这只大熊表明当他想要统治一方时,会毫不犹豫,张牙舞爪翻脸就不认人。对应英文:In August after the military action in Georgia, Russia this bear shows that when he wants to rule the party, will not hesitate to deny people run turned against it.

在八月对格鲁吉亚采取军事行动后,俄罗斯这只大熊表明当他想要统治一方时,会毫不犹豫,张牙舞爪翻脸就不认人。对应英文:In August after the military action in Georgia, Russia this bear shows that when he wants to rule the party, will not hesitate to deny people run turned against it.

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