

强不知以为知对应英文:Strong thought to know

此坐强不知以为知译菱角在水中生长却是土里生长的,这是因为不知道硬要装做知道。"坐"因为。对应英文:This seat is not known in the water the water chestnut growth is the earth, it is because they do not know to pretend to know. "Sit" because.

此坐强不知以为知 译菱角在水中生长却是土里生长的,这是因为不知道硬要装做知道。 "坐"因为。对应英文:This seat is not known in the water the water chestnut growth is the earth, it is because they do not know to pretend to know. "Sit" because.

告诉我们死要面子活受罪的道理,呵呵,语言你自己组织一下吧对应英文:Tell us siyaomianzi living death truth, ha ha, the language of your organization

"近义不懂装懂反义不耻下问辨析"强不知以为知"和"不懂装懂"都表示不懂却装懂的意思。有时可换用。但"强不知以为知"的"强"作勉强,硬要理解,其语义较"不懂装懂"重。...对应英文:"Synonymic smatter antisense questions of" not known "and" smatter "said don't understand but pretend to understand. Sometimes can be used. But "not known" "strong" reluctantly, trying to understand, its semantics is "smatter". ...

"答曰"前山后山,何地不有" 夫菱生于水而曰土产,此坐强不知以为知也.  选自《新世说》  编辑本段解释  北方有个不认识菱角的人,在南方当官,(有一次)在酒席上...对应英文:"The first mountain", where not a "Fu Ling was born in water, the produce of the land, the sit is not known. From the" new world "edit this paragraph explaining the north there did not know the people in the south water chestnut, officer, (a) on the banquet...

北人"强不知以为知"的态度与《两小儿辩日》中孔子"知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也 "形成对比对应英文:Beiren "not known" attitude and "two children argued about the sun" in Confucius "know what one really understands, admit what you don't know, is know" contrast

菱角生长在水中,却说是在土里生长的,这是因为他勉强地把不知道的当作知道的。对应英文:Water chestnut growing in water, that is the growth in the earth, it is because he reluctantly did not know as know.

此坐强不知以为知"解释的关键在"曰"、"土产"、"强"、"知"等实词的意义理解上,其中"土产"、"强"等词语如果脱离语境理解有难度,但联系菱的生长情况,联系北人举动作为,"...对应英文:This seat is not known "explanation of the key in the" Yue "," native "," strong "," knowledge "and other substantive meaning, the" native "," strong "and other words without context have difficulty understanding the growth, but contact Ling, beiren act as contact,"...

坐取 "因为"之意 强不知以为知指"不知道而说知道,不懂装懂"对应英文:Sit "because" the meaning is not known a "don't know and know, smatter"

知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。不懂装懂是会闹笑话的,我们应该虚心学习我们所不知道的,求知是一种美德。对应英文:To know that we know what we know, and that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge. Smatter is the joke, we should learn what we don't know, knowledge is a virtue.

俗语强不知以为知qiǎng bù zhī yǐ wéi zhī是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/551.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

战国~吕不韦等《吕氏春秋~卷一三~谨听》:“不知而自以为知,百祸之宗也。”近义:不懂装懂反义:不耻下问辨析:“强不知以为知”和“不懂装懂”都表示不懂却装懂的意思。有时可换用。但:“强不知以为知”的“强”作勉强,硬要理解,其语义较“不懂装懂”重。 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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