

睁只眼闭只眼对应英文:Turn a blind eye

如果你碰巧逛商店从而看见一小偷在作案,你是当场抓住他, 还是睁只眼闭只眼?对应英文:If you happen to shop around and saw a thief in the crime, you are caught him, or open your eye?

实际上,大多数体育比赛对于欺骗行为都采取睁只眼闭只眼的态度,除非是对主队犯规,因为那会立马激起人们的愤怒。对应英文:In fact, most of the sports for cheating with eye open attitude, unless it's for the home team fouls, it immediately sparked anger.

如果你碰巧逛商店从而看见一小偷在作案,你是当场抓住他, 还是睁只眼闭只眼?对应英文:If you happen to shop around and saw a thief in the crime, you are caught him, or open your eye?

实际上,大多数体育比赛对于欺骗行为都采取睁只眼闭只眼的态度,除非是对主队犯规,因为那会立马激起人们的愤怒。对应英文:In fact, most of the sports for cheating with eye open attitude, unless it's for the home team fouls, it immediately sparked anger.

甚至在今天,妻子们宁可对丈夫去按摩院爽一把睁只眼闭只眼,也不愿意看到他找情妇。对应英文:Even today, wives would rather go to a massage to her husband a blind eye, also don't want to see him looking for a mistress.

甚至真正的科学远征队,就像库克船长这种,他们会对可能变卖的植物感兴趣,而对那些可能沦为殖民地的地区睁只眼闭只眼。对应英文:Even genuine scientific expedition as captain cook this, they will be interested in May sell the plant, and for those who may be colonised region turn a blind eye.

壳牌公司一直表现良好,从不是违法乱纪的反面教材,所发薪酬与其他的大型石油公司相当, 其股东先前对公司的那些规定的执行也总是睁只眼闭只眼。对应英文:Shell has been good, never is the opposite of shortcomings in the teaching material, all compensation and other big oil companies, their shareholders prior to the execution of the provisions of the company are always turn a blind eye.

学生们都没投诉,所以我们就睁只眼闭只眼。可是,现在有位老师被卷入,我没办法,只能处理。对应英文:The students didn't complain, so we turn a blind eye.

而地方政府大多因为地方的经济发展而对此睁只眼闭只眼。对应英文:And local government mostly because the local economic development and to turn a blind eye.


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