

最毒不过妇人心对应英文:The most poisonous but woman heart

女人之所以心狠 是让生活比的 男人害的对应英文:The woman is cruel is making life than the guy

黄蜂尾上针,两般皆尤可,最毒妇人心. 青竹蛇儿口,黄蜂尾上针,两般皆尤可,最毒妇人心.百年天地回元气 一统山河际太平 国泰民安对应英文:The wasp tail needle, two are particularly, a poison women most heart. Bamboo snake mouth, wasp tail needle, two are particularly, a poison women most heart. One hundred years of heaven and earth to strength international peace and unification of mountains and rivers

"最毒不过妇人心",说得虽然狠了点,但是有一定道理。   毕竟流传了这么多年。对应英文:"The most toxic but the woman's heart", said that although the hard point, but there is some truth. After all, popular for so many years.

最毒不过妇人心对应英文:The most poisonous but heart of women

在你看来你没有伤害你的妻子,你们的婚姻或许没有问题。但是婚姻是两个人的,不知道这么多年来你有没了解过你妻子的感受没有一个母亲会舍得离开自己的孩子,妻子现在的...对应英文:You don't seem to hurt your wife in your marriage, you may have no problem. But marriage is two people, do not know so many years, you have not seen your wife's feelings without a mother will want to leave their children, his wife now...

最毒不过妇人心。 .女人在受到伤害,产生报复心理的时候,是不顾一切的。不要得罪女人,她们会用一辈子来报复。 .所有谋害亲夫的女人,在作案时都无比冷静。 无毒不丈夫...对应英文:The most poisonous but heart of women. . a woman in the hurt, when revenge, is to fling caution to the winds. Don't offend a woman, they will take a lifetime to revenge. All the murder of her husband. The woman, in the very calm. Ruthlessness is the mark of a truly great man.

黄蜂尾上针,两般皆尤可,最毒妇人心. 青竹蛇儿口,黄蜂尾上针,两般皆尤可,最毒妇人心.对应英文:The wasp tail needle, two are particularly, a poison women most heart. Bamboo snake mouth, wasp tail needle, two are particularly, a poison women most heart

"最毒妇人心"----------出处  姜子牙钓鱼台位于渭河南岸,秦岭北麓。发源于秦岭深处的涓涓细流一路蜿蜒北...吾在此不过守青云而得路,拨阴翳而腾霄。岂可曲中而取鱼乎...对应英文:"Poison women most heart" -- from Jiang Ziya islands located in the South Bank of Weihe, North Qinling Mountains. Qinling Mountains originated in the depths of the trickle of a winding road north... I just keep Qingyun and road, dial the cloud and Tang xiao. Make music and take fish from...

黄蜂尾后针,两着尤自可,最毒妇人心 出自,《封神演义》 姜尚休马氏曰青竹蛇儿口,黄蜂尾后针,两着尤自可,最毒妇人心 马氏曰「妾身原是朝歌女子,那里去离乡背井子牙从...对应英文:The Hornets after needle, especially since two, the most toxic woman heart out, "Fengshen Kingdoms" Jiang Xiumashi said bamboo snake mouth, the Hornets after needle, especially since two, the most toxic woman heart Ma said: "the Qie body is Chaoge woman, there from exile ziya...

桂林山水甲天下 最毒不过妇人心 (对不起妈妈 我只是翻译 不是说你)对应英文:Guilin Scenery in the world's most toxic but heart of women (sorry mom I just translated not you)


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