

一去不复返对应英文:A thing of the past
一去不复返,拼为yī qù bù fù fǎn,指一去就不再回来了。出自《史记•刺客列传》。

疮痍满目的旧中国一去不复返了。对应英文:Devastated old China is gone.

洋货充斥中国市场的时代已经一去不复返了。对应英文:Foreign goods with the Chinese market of the era is gone forever.

在某种意义上,女王或者可以称呼她伊丽莎白·温莎,是已一去不复返的古老统治时代的最终标记。对应英文:In a sense, or you can call her queen Elizabeth Windsor, is gone for ever the old rule of final mark of The Times.

在某种意义上,女王或者可以称呼她伊丽莎白·温莎,是已一去不复返的古老统治时代的最终标记。对应英文:In a sense, or you can call her queen Elizabeth Windsor, is gone for ever the old rule of final mark of The Times.

满是采购和商务人员的IPO时代已经一去不复返了,为了你延伸后范围更大的供应管理,你需要一个稳定的团队。对应英文:Full of purchasing and business personnel's IPO time has gone, in order to extend the range of after you greater supply management, you need to have a stable team.

印度的订票系统是很高效的,那种需几天才能确认你到底有没订到票的情况已经一去不复返了。对应英文:Indian reservation system is very efficient, and the need for a few days to confirm your booking tickets, some things have gone.

贾斯汀比伯和塞莱娜戈麦斯偷偷摸摸约会的日子一去不复返了,现在他们正式约会了。对应英文:Justin bieber and selena gomez secretly dating days gone, and now they officially dating.

到这些新矿投产的时候,提价80%的好日子就一去不复返喽。对应英文:To the launch of the new mine, increases 80% of the day is gone.

压抑的情绪得到了释放,心墙将一去不复返。对应英文:Depressive mood got the release, core wall will be gone forever.

嘉斯米娜年轻时的南斯拉夫一去不复返了。 她今年33岁,定居在伦敦,也不会再回到这里。对应英文:Jasmina young when Yugoslavia is gone.

我写像《莲花》和《湖》那种极其简单明白的诗的日子,已经一去不复返了。对应英文:I write like "lotus" and "lake" the day of that kind of extremely simple to understand poetry, had gone.

我们确信所有阻碍你将其嵌入到应用中的障碍已经一去不复返了。对应英文:We believe that all obstacles you embed it in to the application of obstacles has gone.

我曾经看到过,当你珍惜时间胜过珍惜金钱,你的企业必将上升;因为钱可以来来去去,而一旦时间丢失了,就一去不复返了。对应英文:I've seen, when you value their time more than cherish money, your business will rise;

它也允许用户在他们的社交类媒体活动中加入多媒体元素,140个字母的文字和一个链接的日子一去不复返了。对应英文:It also allows the user to join in their social media activities multimedia elements, 140 characters of text and a link days are gone.

再者,从西班牙的砖匠到华尔街的商人,许多昔日的工作将一去不复返。对应英文:Moreover, from Spanish bricklayer to Wall Street traders, many former work will be gone forever.

增税计划的支持者表示资源将一去不复返,并且政府应更多参与到这项巨大财富的使用中来。对应英文:Supporters of a tax increase plan said resources will be gone, and the government should be more involved in the use of the huge wealth.

你还会发现,固守已经一去不复返的东西,或者更确切的说,是你已经离开的地方,会妨碍你自身的观察、吸收和反应的能力。对应英文:You will also find that, to have gone, or, more precisely, is the place that you have to leave, get in the way of your own observation, absorption and reaction ability.

曾经有那么一次,就一次,我老婆本可以支持我成为艺术家。但是现在没机会了,那段时光一去不复返了。对应英文:There was once, just once, my wife could support me to be an artist.

一旦您“花”了自己的时间或是别人的时间,这个时间就一去不复返了。对应英文:Once you have "flower" in their own time or other people's time, this time is gone forever.

俗语一去不复返yī qù bù fù fǎn是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/381.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。


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