


敢为天下先是科学进步的动力。对应英文:Too is the power of scientific progress.

汪玢玲教授具有敢为天下先的开拓精神。对应英文:Professor wang Bin ling has the pioneering spirit of pioneer.

缺、冲、屈、拙、讷这五种态度都有一个共同的特征,那就是谦虚、不出风头、不强出头、不敢为天下先。对应英文:Deficiency, impact, bending and compensated, the five attitude have a common characteristic, that is modest, self-effacement, strong s, too.

新世纪青年饮食(青年餐厅)是由一批勇于开拓、积极进取,敢为天下先的青年人于1999年创办成立的。对应英文:In the new century youth diet (youth) is composed of a group of brave in exploitation, enterprising, too young to organize in 1999 to set up.

广东省以“敢为天下先”的精神发展市场经济,确立了广东改革开发先行一步的探索者地位和外向型发展战略。对应英文:Development of market economy on the spirit of "pioneer" in guangdong province, established the reform and development in guangdong first explorer status and export-oriented development strategy.

缺、冲、屈、拙、讷这五种态度都有一个共同的特征,那就是谦虚、不出风头、不强出头、不敢为天下先。对应英文:Deficiency, impact, bending and compensated, the five attitude have a common characteristic, that is modest, self-effacement, strong s, too.

展望明天,我们愿以精益求精与敢为天下先的精神理念与广大客户携手共创辉煌。对应英文:Looking forward to tomorrow, we would like to strive for perfection and pioneer spirit idea and the masses of customers to join hands in creating brilliant.

在蓬勃兴盛的时代、在经济高速发展的今天、在中部崛起契机之下,一向敢为天下先的长沙人,自然不会甘居人后。对应英文:In booming prosperous era, with the high-speed economic development today, the rise of central China under the opportunity, has always been too changsha people, nature will not fall.

追求卓越,意味着持续领跑,敢为天下先。对应英文:The pursuit of excellence, means that continues to lead, too.

绵亘千年的瓯越文化催生了温州人“敢为天下先”的开拓精神,滋养了温州经济社会的繁荣与发展。对应英文:Spanning one thousand ou the culture has given rise to the wenzhou people "too" pioneering spirit, nourish the prosperity and development of wenzhou economy and society.

捧老子三宝(慈、俭、不敢为天下先),自爱爱人,以逍遥心法入太和之道,心灵的奥秘尽在其中。对应英文:Hold I sambo (goodness, thrifty, not too), self-love lovers, happy into tai road, the mystery of the soul in it.

现在从我们对失乐园开篇,的讨论中可以得知,弥尔顿一直坚持的是:,敢为天下先。对应英文:Now from us to paradise lost, the discussion of learn that Milton insisted that, too.

改革开放20多年来,中国陶瓷行业在佛山人敢为天下先精神的引领下,得到了迅速发展。对应英文:For more than 20 years reform and opening up, China's ceramic industry in foshan people too spiritual guidance, has been developing rapidly.

无论是在中国历史上,还是在世界历史上,科学的进步和发展无不体现出人们崇尚科学敢为天下先的精神。对应英文:Whether it is in Chinese history, or in the history of the world, the progress and development of science all embody the people advocating the spirit of science too.


  全国首部驻村手记   书名:《敢为天下先》   作者:叶一壮    出版者:人民出版社   定价:32.00元   ISBN:978-7-01-008828-0   上架类别:社科/农村   出版时间:2010年5月   成品尺寸:170*240

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