

诗成泣鬼神对应英文:The poem into make the gods cry

诗成泣鬼神"的标题《寄李十二白二十韵》 赞扬的是李白 寄李十二白二十韵 杜甫 昔年有狂客,号尔谪仙人。笔落惊风雨,诗成泣鬼神。 声名从此大,汩没一朝伸。文彩承殊渥,...对应英文:The poem becomes indescribably tragic "title" send Lee twelve white twenty rhyme "praise is sent Li Bai Lee twelve white twenty rhyme Du Fu this year, a story, but the Zhe fairy. Pen was the wind and rain, the poem to move the gods. From the big reputation, to decline once. It was Wen Caicheng,...

诗成泣鬼神。 唐·杜甫《寄李十二白二十韵》 〔今译〕落笔时风雨之震惊,诗成后鬼神为之哭泣。 〔赏析〕这两句以高度夸张的语言,形容诗歌艺术强大的力量。落笔能惊动狂...对应英文:The poem becomes indescribably tragic. Don Du Fu "send Lee twelve white twenty rhyme" (Translated) strokes and shocked, poetry into ghosts cry. (of) these two to highly exaggerated language, describe the power of poetry strong. I could hear...

。 杜甫笔下的"笔落惊风雨,诗成泣鬼神"的标题《寄李十二白二十韵》 赞扬的是李白 寄李十二白二十韵 杜甫 昔年有狂客,号尔谪仙人。笔落惊风雨,诗成泣鬼神。 声名从此大...对应英文:. Du Fu's "pen was the wind and rain, the poem becomes indescribably tragic" title "send Lee twelve white twenty rhyme" praise is sent Li Bai Lee twelve white twenty rhyme Du Fu this year, a story, but the Zhe fairy. Pen was the wind and rain, the poem to move the gods. From the great reputation...

诗成泣鬼神 杜甫·《寄李十二白二十韵》 《寄李十二白二十韵》是一首五言排律,乾元二年(公元年)作于秦州。这两句是说,李白笔一落使风雨都为之吃惊诗写成感动得鬼神...对应英文:The poem becomes indescribably tragic Du Fu "send Lee twelve white twenty rhyme" "send Lee twelve white twenty rhyme" is one of the first five Pailu, Gan yuan two years (AD) in qinzhou. These words are said, Li Baibi fell to the storms are surprised to write poetry moved to the spirits...

其中有"笔落惊风雨,诗成泣鬼神"诗句.赞扬李白的 寄李十二白二十韵(唐·杜甫) 昔年有狂客,号尔谪仙人。笔落惊风雨,诗成泣鬼神。 声名从此大,汩没一朝伸。文彩承殊渥,...对应英文:The "pen was the wind and rain, the poem becomes indescribably tragic" verse. Praise Li Bai sent Li twelve white twenty rhyme (don Du Fu) this year, a story, but the Zhe fairy. Pen was the wind and rain, the poem to move the gods. From the big reputation, to decline once. It was Wen Caicheng,...

诗成泣鬼神"的标题《寄李十二白二十韵》赞扬的是李白寄李十二白二十韵杜甫昔年有狂客,号尔谪仙人。笔落惊风雨,诗成泣鬼神。声名从此大,汩没一朝伸。文彩承殊渥,流传必...对应英文:The poem becomes indescribably tragic "title" send Lee twelve white twenty rhyme "praise is sent Li Bai Lee twelve white twenty rhyme Du Fu this year, a story, but the Zhe fairy. Pen was the wind and rain, the poem to move the gods. From the big reputation, to decline once. The Caicheng special Hurstwood, spread will...

诗成泣鬼神"意思是下笔的速度如同暴风骤雨,写成的诗惊天动地.还有其他含义吗我认为,"诗成泣鬼神"可以那样理解,但是"笔落惊风雨"未必就是指速度,而更像"诗成泣鬼神",...对应英文:The poem becomes indescribably tragic "means the writing speed like a mighty storm, poems written in shaking heaven and earth. There are other meaning it I think," the poem becomes indescribably tragic "can be understood, but the" pen "is not necessarily a surprise and speed, and more like" a magnificent poem",...

就是说诗写得好。有气势 写完后风云变色,鬼神都感动了。。对应英文:That is a well written poem. There is momentum after the discoloration, ghosts and gods were moved..

诗成泣鬼神 --这是杜甫在一首诗中对李白的评价。意思是李白落笔成诗,使风雨惊,使鬼神泣,人(读者)就更不在话下了 。对应英文:The poem becomes indescribably tragic -- this is Du Fu in a poem of Li Bai. Li Bai is writing poem, the wind and rain scared to cry, ghosts, people (Reader) would be nothing difficult.

其中有"笔落惊风雨,诗成泣鬼神"诗句. 寄李十二白二十韵(唐·杜甫) 昔年有狂客,号尔谪仙人。笔落惊风雨,诗成泣鬼神。 声名从此大,汩没一朝伸。文彩承殊渥,流传必绝伦。...对应英文:The "pen was the wind and rain, the poem becomes indescribably tragic" verse. Send Lee twelve white twenty rhyme (don Du Fu) this year, a story, but the Zhe fairy. Pen was the wind and rain, the poem to move the gods. From the big reputation, to decline once. The Caicheng special Hurstwood, spread will peerless. ...


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