

长添灯草满添油对应英文:Long tim rush full Tim oil

应该是"灯草加得长长的,灯油添得满满的"的意思吧,或者说是"灯草往长了加,灯油往满了添",看哪个你能理解对应英文:It should be "rush GAD long, kerosene added with" mean, or "rush to the long, kerosene to full Tim", see what you can understand

古代的灯是由灯草做芯子,油作燃料,点着的。 灯草不能断,油要慢慢的。 就是有备无患的意思。不要到缺少时,手无所措。对应英文:The ancient lights from the rush to do core, oil as fuel, burning. Light can not be broken, the oil slowly. Just be prepared against want. Don't go missing, the hand without the measures.

出句长添灯草满添油 对句日换新闻稀插图(日报)对应英文:A sentence long tim rush full Tim oil couplet day for news of dilute illustrations (daily)

不认帐 茶杯里放块糖 寿命不长 长添灯草满添油 唱对台戏对应英文:Don't put sugar in the cup of life is not long, add any full Tim oil with a countermeasure

哪有不湿鞋 长他人志气,灭自己威风 长叹不如慢磨 长添灯草满添油 唱对台戏 朝中有人好做官 炒豆众人吃,炸锅一人事 车到山前必有路 上有天堂,下有苏杭. 桂林山水甲天下...对应英文:Which have not wet shoe long ambition of others, putting yourself down a rather slow grinding long tim rush full Tim oil with a countermeasure to the people as they ate good health, fryer a personal car to the front there is a road to heaven, under Jervois. Guilin Scenery is the best in the world...

常做手不笨 常在河边站,哪有不湿鞋 长他人志气,灭自己威风 长叹不如慢磨 长添灯草满添油 唱对台戏 朝中有人好做官 炒豆众人吃,炸锅一人事 车到山前必有路 扯淡 陈芝麻...对应英文:Often do not stupid often at the HeBian Railway Station, which have not wet shoe long ambition of others, putting yourself down a rather slow grinding long tim rush full Tim oil with a countermeasure to the people as they ate good health, fryer personnel car to Piedmont Road. Chen Zhima...

常做手不笨 常在河边站,哪有不湿鞋 长他人志气,灭自己威风 长叹不如慢磨 长添灯草满添油 唱对台戏 朝中有人好做官 炒豆众人吃,炸锅一人事 车到山前必有路 陈芝麻烂谷...对应英文:Often do not stupid often at the HeBian Railway Station, which have not wet shoe long ambition of others, putting yourself down a rather slow grinding long tim rush full Tim oil with a countermeasure to the people as they ate good health, fryer a personal car to Piedmont Road Chen sesame lousy valley...

长添灯草满添油   唱对台戏   朝中有人好做官   炒豆众人吃,炸锅一人事   车到山前必有路   撑死胆大的,饿死胆小的  ...对应英文:Long tim rush full Tim oil with a countermeasure to the people as they ate good health, fryer a personal car to Piedmont Road support dead bold, starve timid...

哪有不湿鞋 长他人志气,灭自己威风 长叹不如慢磨 长添灯草满添油 唱对台戏 朝中有人好做官 炒豆众人吃,炸锅一人事 车到山前必有路 扯淡 陈芝麻烂谷子 撑死胆大的,饿死...对应英文:Which have not wet shoe long ambition of others, putting yourself down a rather slow grinding long tim rush full Tim oil with a countermeasure to the people as they ate good health, fryer personnel car to Piedmont Road. Chen sesame lousy millet support dead bold, starve to death...

哪有不湿鞋 长他人志气,灭自己威风 长叹不如慢磨 长添灯草满添油 唱对台戏 朝中有人好做官 炒豆众人吃,炸锅一人事 车到山前必有路 陈芝麻烂谷子 撑死胆大的,饿死胆小...对应英文:Which have not wet shoe long ambition of others, putting yourself down a rather slow grinding long tim rush full Tim oil with a countermeasure to the people as they ate good health, fryer a personal car to Piedmont Road Chen sesame lousy millet support dead bold, starve timid...


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