

请将不如激将对应英文:It is better to goad him into action than beg him to
  请将不如激将    拼音: qǐng jiàng bù rú jī jiàng 简拼: qjbrjj    近义词:  反义词:    用法:    解释: 〖解释〗指用话语刺激别人去干事要比正面请他去干事来得好。   出处: 〖出处〗   例子: 〖示例〗   谒后语:    谜语:    成语故事:     相关成语   请将不如激将       




"激将"常常是一种可以奏效的策略。  "激将"主要通过隐藏的各种手段,让对方进入激动状态(愤怒、羞耻、不服、高兴)导致情绪失控,然后去执行你想让他执行的事。说到底...对应英文:"Will" is often a kind of can effective strategies. "Dare" mainly through various means hidden, let the other side into the excited state (anger, shame, refuses to accept, happy) resulting in emotional control, then to perform you want him to perform. At the end of the day...

似是个圈套 令捱难度更加高 不能怀念爱惜 不如怀恨更激 恨人亦要花气力 例如恨你为人自私也任性 我憎你不停来为我添加大量情敌 将盐甜回忆 记恨你才能令爱着你也没价...对应英文:It is a trap to get more love than Miss difficulty not hate more exciting love also takes strength such as hate you are selfish or willful I hate you don't stop for me to add a lot of rival salt sweet memories hate you can love you no price...

班里正在举办《西游记》的小品表演,孙悟空被师傅赶出了师门,赴回花果山。不久,唐僧被妖怪所抓,猪八戒前去花果山请猴哥救师傅,孙悟空开始不肯回去。 假如让你来表演猪对应英文:The class is held "journey to the west" sketch performance, Sun Wukong was the master out of the door, go back to the mountain of flowers and fruit. Soon after, Tang's monk by the devil is caught, the pig to monkey Huaguo Mountain please save teacher, Sun Wukong refused to go back. If you were asked to show pig

'怎么却不说我"八戒又思量道"请将不如激将,等我激他一激。"道"哥啊,不说你还好哩,只为说你,他一发无状!"行者道"怎么说"八戒道"我说'妖精,你不要无礼,莫害我师父...对应英文:'how did not say me "pig and thinking" please will not dare, I dared him to a shock. "Tao" brother ah, do not say that you are fine too, just to say you, he made no shape! "Walker way" how to say "eight quit a way" I said 'fairy, you don't be rude, not harm my master...

用反话去激人,促使人决心去做 请将不如激将 . 激进 īì 急于变革和进取 激进观点 . 激进派 īìà - (如在政治问题上)表现咄咄逼人的党派...对应英文:With irony to shock people, encourage people to do please will not dare. Radical ī ì eager to change and enterprising radical views. Radical ī ì à - (as in political issues) performance overbearing party...

只是在电源设计中是否合算的问题,而且单端反激变换器在多输出时的电压调整率不如正激。 对于经常烧管子的问题,一是看选择的的耐压定额够否反激变换器的开关管...对应英文:Just is cost-effective in the design of power supply problems, but a single end flyback converter voltage adjustment in multi output rate as forward. For often the problem of burning pipe, is selection pressure quota enough switch flyback converter tube...

宝洁公司"激爽"品牌的中国对外事务部公关经理王虹这样解释从市场份额上看,"激爽"沐浴露远远不如"舒肤佳"和"玉兰油",集中精力做大后两个品牌是公司此次进行资源整合的...对应英文:Procter & Gamble "zest" brand Chinese Foreign Affairs Department Public Relations Manager Wang Hong explained from the point of market share, "zest" shower gel is far less than the "safeguard" and "OLAY", focus on bigger after two brand is the company's integration of resources...

指得是本来捕获后可能获得的素材,会多给你一个。(对部位破坏的奖励没有影响)捕获名人的效果不如激运,关键是捕获名人只能多给你一个捕获素材,再刷某些特定素材比如各种...对应英文:Refers to the original capture may obtain the material, will give you a. (has no effect on the damage bonus) to capture the celebrity effect is not as good as bowel movement, the key is to capture the celebrities can only give you a capture material, then brush certain material such as various...

(对部位破坏的奖励没有影响) 捕获名人的效果不如激运,关键是捕获名人只能多给你一个捕获素材,再刷某些特定素材比如各种龙玉的时候比较有用。 激运的话虽然看,但平均...对应英文:(has no effect on the damage bonus) to capture the celebrity effect is not as good as bowel movement, the key is to capture the celebrities can only give you a capture material, then brush certain material such as all kinds of jade dragon useful comparison. Bowel transport although the words, but the average...

好到太慨没有好报 似是个圈套 令捱难度更加高 能怀念爱惜 不如怀恨更激 恨人亦要花气力 例如恨你 为人自私也任性 我憎你不停来为我添加大量情敌 将咸甜回忆 记恨你才...对应英文:Good too will not pay like is a trap to make more high difficulty can miss love than hate more exciting love also takes strength such as hate you are selfish or willful I hate you don't stop for me to add a lot of rival salty sweet memories will hate you...


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