

山从尘土起对应英文:Mountain from the dust up

多的。不同在于月球表面几乎没有大气和气体流动,这也导致小行星或陨石撞击月球后留下的痕迹(环形山)很久都不会改变。对应英文:Many. Different is the lunar surface almost no air and gas flow, which also led to an asteroid or meteorite impact the moon after leaving traces (crater) for a long time will not change.

第二句用「特特」以强调这次登临,表明戎马倥偬,登临难得,而把自己的戎马生活与大好河山从感情上联系起来,同时,在结构上又起到了转折的作用,把感情抒发的重心移到对故...对应英文:The second sentence with "special" to emphasize that this visit, busily engaged in warfare, on the rare, but the military life and beautiful rivers and mountains of a country own together, from the feeling at the same time, the structure and the turning function, focus on the shift to express emotions...

要不然大海怎么能容纳下百川,尘土堆积能成为大山呢要不然时间可以换变成空间呢万物又如何能有互相符合,互相成就 所以用万物在到达一个极面就会有另一个极面的这一...对应英文:Otherwise how could the sea for rivers, dust accumulation can become Dashan yet or time can change everything into space and how to comply with each other, each other achievements so everything at a pole will have the another side of the...

楼上二位有意思 我个人观点也是政府不作为,领导无眼光对应英文:Two upstairs. My personal point of view is the government inaction, no vision of leadership

山不推辞一粒尘土,所以才能那么高大海每一滴水也会吸纳,所以才能那么深!寓意一个人做事,不管多么小的事,只要去做,终能成大器。也寓意大仁大智,胸怀宽广。《管子·形式...对应英文:Mountain not refuse a grain of dust, so that to high sea every drop of water will absorb, so can the so deep! Meaning a person, no matter how small things, just do it, finally can become big. Also the implication Darendazhi, broad-minded. "Pipe · form...

山不推辞一粒尘土,所以才能那么高大海每一滴水也会吸纳,所以才能那么深!寓意一个人做事,不管多么小的事,只要去做,终能成大器。也寓意大仁大智,胸怀宽广。对应英文:Mountain not refuse a grain of dust, so that to high sea every drop of water will absorb, so can the so deep! Meaning a person, no matter how small things, just do it, finally can become big. Also the implication Darendazhi, broad-minded.

山不推辞一粒尘土,所以才能那么高大海每一滴水也会吸纳,所以才能那么深!寓意是说一个人做事,不管多么小的事,只要去做,终能成大器。大仁大智,胸怀宽广则成就大事。对应英文:Mountain not refuse a grain of dust, so that to high sea every drop of water will absorb, so can the so deep! Meaning is that a person, no matter how small things, just do it, finally can become big. Darendazhi, broad mind is major achievements.

-郑伊健 走的走追的追 兵分两路 案里案局内局 疑云密布 一山比一山高 始终不过尘土 我吃我苦中苦 心高气傲 我有我乐自乐 由旁人乱说毫道 我愿我拚一生 死将真理誓保对应英文:Ekin Cheng go to chase chase after Bingfenlianglu case case inside bureau under suspicion of a mountain higher than the mountain always but dust I eat my bitter proud and arrogant I have my music enjoyment by others. I wish I had hard life and death the truth pledge

很小的陨石也能产生巨大的陨石坑(千克陨石能激起万吨的尘土)。著名的第谷环形山就是这样,较年轻的陨石坑都会有辐射状条纹。由于引力长年的影响,辐射状条纹就渐渐消...对应英文:Small meteorites can produce huge craters (kg meteorite can arouse million tons of dust). Tycho famous is such, younger craters will radiate striate. Because of the influence of gravity long, radial stripes will gradually disappear...

耿耿背斜灯,秋床一人寝。 「出关路」白居易 山川函谷路,尘土游子颜。萧条去国意,秋风生故关。 「秋夕」白居易 叶声落如雨,月色白似霜。夜深方独卧,谁为拂尘床。 「...对应英文:The anticline lamp, autumn one bedroom bed. "The road" Bai Juyi and Han Gu Lu, dust the wanderer yen. Depression to students, the autumn wind. "Autumn night" Bai Juyi leaves down like rain, white Sishuang moonlight. The night side to lie alone, who whisk bed. "...


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