

国家不幸英雄幸对应英文:The national hero lucky misfortune

社会现状是人民所需要的.那么国家不需要英雄去拯救国家和人民...试想那些英雄的传说哪个不在乱世呢对应英文:Social status is the people's need. Then the country does not need a hero to save the country and the people... Imagine those heroic legend which is not in troubled times

她赢得了世界各国人民的赞扬,并得到许多国家政府的嘉奖。 海伦认为视力和听力丧失的悲剧往往发生在那些因...被美国《时代周刊》评选为世纪美国十大英雄偶像。 创造这一...对应英文:She won praise from people around the world, and received awards in many national governments. Helen thought that the tragedy of vision and hearing loss often occurs in those who... Was selected America "Time" century American ten hero. The creation of this...

你看到的也是对我们不利的方面 所以你就有这种幻觉,觉得我们国家一直在受气。我个人认为 中国从古至今都是...希特勒属于那种高级杀人犯,剩下的你自己琢磨吧,要是你觉得死...对应英文:You see is unfavorable to us. So you have the illusion, think our country has been in the air. I personally think that China since ancient times is... Hitler is the kind of high-level murderer, the rest of you consider it, if you feel dead...

曾两次被评为战斗模范,荣获"爆破大王"、"华东一级人民英雄"、"华东三级人民英雄"等称号,并光荣地出席了...日时,他的潜伏地不幸被敌盲目发射的燃烧弹击中。为了不暴...对应英文:Ever was judged two times to be combat model, won the "blasting king", "East China first class people's hero", "East China three class people's hero" title, and the honor to attend the... Day, his latent. Unfortunately the enemy hit the bomb blindly launched. In order not to burst...

""我的工作是在危险环境中进行,似随时都有生命之虞,假如万一遇有不幸,那也是我所负的历史使命的完结。"年月,符克被国民党顽固派阴谋杀害,年仅岁。对应英文:"" I work in dangerous environments, like to have life danger, if in the event of a misfortune, that is what I negative historical mission accomplished. "Years, Fu G by Kuomintang diehards conspiracy to kill, only years old.

她赢得了世界各国人民的赞扬,并得到许多国家政府的嘉奖。  海伦认为视力和听力丧失的悲剧往往发生在那些...被美国《时代周刊》评选为世纪美国十大英雄偶像。  创造...对应英文:She won praise from people around the world, and received awards in many national governments. Helen thought that the tragedy of vision and hearing loss often occurs in those... Was selected America "Time" century American ten hero. Create...

日时,他的潜伏地不幸被敌盲目发射的燃烧弹击中。为了不暴露部队的整个行动计划,邱少云忍受烈火烧身的...授予"中国人民志愿军一级英雄"称号。朝鲜政府授予他"朝鲜民主...对应英文:Day, his latent. Unfortunately the enemy hit the bomb blindly launched. In order not to expose the forces of the whole plan of action, Qiu Shaoyun could be burnt... Conferred the title of "people's Volunteer Army China hero". North Korean government awarded him the "democracy...

平凡而伟大的英雄人物--雷锋  雷锋生前是解放军沈阳部队工程兵某部运输班班长、五好战士,年月日因...  年获国家体委颁发的体育运动荣誉奖章,和年两...对应英文:Ordinary and great hero -- Lei Feng Lei Feng's people's Liberation Army troops a transportation engineers in Shenyang class monitor, five good soldiers, date because of... Years won the National Sports Commission issued sports Medal of honor, and in two years...

平凡而伟大的英雄人物--雷锋   雷锋生前是解放军沈阳部队工程兵某部运输班班长、五好战士,年月日...   年获国家体委颁发的体育运动荣誉奖章,和年两...对应英文:Ordinary and great hero -- Lei Feng Lei Feng's people's Liberation Army troops a transportation engineers in Shenyang class monitor, five good soldiers, date... Years won the National Sports Commission issued sports Medal of honor, and in two years...

张自忠与庞炳勋原是宿仇,但他以国家、民族利益为重,摈弃个人恩怨,率部与庞部协力作战。敌军在飞机大炮掩护...目睹列强欺凌中国,军阀混战,痛感国家不幸,民族多难,立志报国...对应英文:Zhang Zi-zhong and Pang Bingxun were feuding, but in his country, national interests, abandon the personal, rate and Pang department to combat. The enemy in the aircraft artillery cover... Witnessed bullying powers Chinese, warlordism, pain the misery of the state, nation is, to serve the country...


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