

绣花虽好不闻香对应英文:Although not a embroidery

绣花虽好不闻香"出自《增广贤文》,该书为中国古代儿童启蒙书目。又名《昔时贤文》、《古今贤文》。这两句话的意思是画中的水因为没有风,浪潮画得再高也是假的,绣的花...对应英文:Although not a "embroidery" from the book as "augmented kind, Chinese ancient children enlightenment bibliography. Also known as the "when", "ancient and modern" kind words of wisdom. These two words mean the water because there is no wind, wave drew again high is fake, embroidered flowers...

但是却泛起浪花, 绣出来的花虽然美丽但是闻不到香味对应英文:But sprays, embroidered flowers is beautiful but does not smell the fragrance

是针对大自然而言的后句应是画水无风空作浪,绣花虽好不闻香。是针对画图和绣品来讲的。您问的这两句可能是引用或借用增广贤文中的句子,在看到别人的画或绣品时的有...对应英文:The nature of sentence should be draw water calm air to make waves, although not a embroidery. For drawing and embroidery in terms of. Here you may be asked of reference or use augmented words of wisdom in the sentence, seeing others in painting or embroidery is...

--"画水无风空作浪,绣花虽好不闻香"出自《增广贤文》,该书为中国古代儿童启蒙书目。又名《昔时贤文》、《古今贤文》。这两句话的意思是画中的水因为没有风,浪潮画得再...对应英文:"Painting the water calm air to make waves, although not a embroidery" from the "augmented" kind, the book for children China ancient bibliography. Also known as the "when", "ancient and modern" kind words of wisdom. These two words mean the water because there is no wind, wave drew again...

奇对偶,单对双,黄河对长江。太阳对月亮,嫦娥对吴刚。画水无风空作浪,绣花虽好不闻香。 云对雨,雾对霜,辽阔对宽广。吹拉对弹唱,舞调对歌腔。春风一夜桃符满,德泽万民...对应英文:Odd dual, single pair of Yangtze River, the Yellow River. The sun on the moon, the goddess of the moon to Wu Gang. Draw water calm air to make waves, although not a embroidery. Cloud to rain, fog on the frost on the broad, vast. Blow pull on guitar, dance tune singing in antiphonal style cavity. The spring breeze night Zhaofu is full, the nations...

富贵之人一定要安于本分,贫困的人不必枉费心机。 画水无风空作浪,绣花虽好不闻香。 画中的水浪是不会动的,布上绣的花再鲜也不闻其香。 贪他一斗米,失却半年粮。争他...对应英文:The wealth of the people must be duty, poor people do not have to rack one's brains in vain. Draw water calm air to make waves, although not a embroidery. The water is not moving, cloth embroidered flowers do not smell their fragrance, fresh. Greed he a bag of rice grain for half a year, lost. For he...

富贵定要安本分,贫穷不必枉思量。 画水无风空作浪,绣花虽好不闻香。 贪他一斗米,失却半年粮。 争他一脚豚,反失一肘羊。 龙归晚洞云犹湿,麝过春山草木香。 平生只会量...对应英文:Riches and honour to Aberdeen, poverty does not need to consider. Draw water calm air to make waves, although not a embroidery. Greed he a bag of rice grain for half a year, lost. For he a dolphin, lose a elbow sheep. The Dragon Cave cloud returning late still wet, musk deer spring mountains vegetation incense. Life will only amount...

笋因落箨方成竹,鱼为奔波始化龙。 画水无风空作浪,绣花虽好不闻香。 根深不怕风摇动,树正无愁月影斜。 利刀割体痕易合,恶语伤人恨不消。 摘自--增广贤训 这是我的百度...对应英文:Bamboo shoots for fall sheath party Chengzhu, fish is the rush was dragon. Draw water calm air to make waves, although not a embroidery. Deep roots are not afraid of the wind, the tree is no worry about the slanted moonlight. A knife cut body marks easily, abusable hates needless. From the augmented Xian training - this is my Baidu...

奇对偶,单对双,黄河对长江。太阳对月亮,嫦娥对吴刚。画水无风空作浪,绣花虽好不闻香。云对雨,雾对霜,辽阔对宽广。吹拉对弹唱,舞调对歌腔。春风一夜桃符满,德泽万民米...对应英文:Odd dual, single pair of Yangtze River, the Yellow River. The sun on the moon, the goddess of the moon to Wu Gang. Draw water calm air to make waves, although not a embroidery. Cloud to rain, fog on the frost on the broad, vast. Blow pull on guitar, dance tune singing in antiphonal style cavity. The spring breeze night Zhaofu is full, the people meter...

爽口食多偏作药,快心事过恐生殃。富贵定要安本分,贫穷不必枉思量。画水无风空作浪,绣花虽好不闻香。贪他一斗米,失却半年粮。争他一脚豚,反失一肘羊。龙归晚洞云犹湿,...对应英文:Tasty food is for medicine, quick mind had any fear of life. Riches and honour to Aberdeen, poverty does not need to consider. Draw water calm air to make waves, although not a embroidery. Greed he a bag of rice grain for half a year, lost. For he a dolphin, lose a elbow sheep. The Dragon Cave cloud still wet returning late,...


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