

顾首不顾尾对应英文:Gu song ahead

顾三不顾四 ɡù ā ù ɡù ì .谓照顾到这里照顾不到那里。对应英文:Gu three despite four and ù ā ù and ù ì. That takes care of here to take care not to there.

下车引之,元方入门不顾。译文 人感到惭愧,便下车想拉元方,但是元方走向家门,没有再回头看这个朋友。对应英文:Get off the lead, Yuan Fang instrumentation. The people feel ashamed, then get off to pull element, but the element toward the house, did not look back this friend.

顾前不顾后属于形而上学的哲学观点。具体的说,顾前不顾后是用孤立的片面的观点看问题的思想或行为。 解析、前与后是相互联系的。而顾前不顾后只见"前"不见"后",没有...对应英文:Act rashly philosophy belongs to metaphysics. Specifically, drive ahead without considering the consequences is to look at the problem of thought or action with isolated one-sided view. And after analysis, are interrelated. While the drive ahead without considering the consequences and "before" not see "," no...

蛇钻窟窿--顾前不顾后。对应英文:The snake drill hole -- drive ahead without considering the consequences.

贪吃不留种------顾前不顾后过一天算一天 舍了脊梁护胸膛------顾前不顾后 蛇钻窟窿------顾前不顾后 汽车前的大眼睛------顾前不顾后 光腚系围裙------顾前不顾后 ...对应英文:Greedy not seed - drive ahead without considering the consequences the day she back support chest - drive ahead without considering the consequences of snake drill hole - drive ahead without considering the consequences of automobile front eyes - drive ahead without considering the consequences bare buttocks Apron - drive ahead without considering the consequences...

只顾及前面而忘了后面。形容做事或考虑事不仔细周到。周扒皮钻鸡笼是为了扮鸡叫,想让长工早起干活,却被当成偷鸡贼,挨了一顿打。对应英文:Just forget the back and front. Describe the work or not careful consideration. Zhou Papi drill coop is to play the cock, want to let her get up early to work, but as the chicken thief, has taken a beating.

是看的意思对应英文:Is to look at the meaning of

雇人呀。。不然顾客来了没人顾会跑掉。。可能短期来讲会花一些钱钱。。但是经验来的快。。之后钱也来的快咩。。。对应英文:Hire.. Otherwise the customer came no one care will run away.. May the short term will spend some money.. But experience has come.. The money come fast baa...

庄子持竿不顾,曰"吾闻楚有神龟,死已三千岁矣,王巾笥而藏之庙堂之上。此龟者,宁其死为留骨而贵乎宁其生而曳尾于涂中乎"二大夫曰"宁生而曳尾涂中。"庄子曰"往矣,...对应英文:Chuang-tzu took his, said "I smell Chu a turtle, death was three thousand years old, above the temple, Wang towel of tibetan. The turtle, the dead bone and left Ning for valuable Ning Jisheng and tailing to spread "almost two doctor said" Ning and live and let die. "Chuang-tzu said," go away,...

顾照顾,顾及对应英文:Gu Zhaogu, take into account


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