

佛为一炷香对应英文:The Buddha as a stick of incense

"人争一口气,佛争一柱香"这句话从未在任何佛教典籍中出现过。这句话不过是世人争强好胜,以佛的名义说出而已。其实,佛又何曾争一柱香,又何须争一柱香。佛是觉悟的,自觉...对应英文:"People fight in one breath, over a Buddha incense" this sentence has never appeared in any Buddhist classics. This sentence is the world seek to prevail over others, in the name of the Buddha said. In fact, the Buddha did for a stick of incense, and he shall be for a stick of incense. The Buddha is enlightened, conscious...

佛自有清香,何需世人一炉香。 民间用语为了对比性的需要把"佛争一柱香"给借用了。这句话能够流传下来,说明不懂佛法真意的人还很多。 '佛'是一个理智、情感和能力都同...对应英文:The Buddha's own fragrance, what need the world an incense burner. Folk language "over a Buddha incense" to borrow in order to contrast. This sentence can be handed down, but many people do not understand the Buddhadharma intendment. 'Buddha' is a reason, emotion and ability are the same...

佛烧一炷香,人争一口气福不双降,祸不单行干的早不如干得巧干活不由东,累死也无功万事俱备,只欠东风王子犯法,与民同罪留得青山在,不怕没柴烧路遥知马力,日久见人心念天...对应英文:Buddha to burn a stick of incense, one for a blessing not to double down, Disasters pile up on one another. dry early than dry skillfully working not from the East, show no credit everything is ready except one crucial element of the law, and the people with the crime of stay, not afraid of firewood Time tries all. read day...

当我们遇到困难时,不能被困难吓倒半途而废。 与人有小矛盾小摩擦时,为了避免陷入不必要的争斗,我们要想到另一句话退一步海阔天空。对应英文:When we meet with difficulties, not to be intimidated by the difficulties give up halfway. A small friction small conflict with people, in order to avoid unnecessary fights, we have to think of another word step as boundless as the sea and sky.

各取所需 ~对应英文:Each takes what he needs.

人生不是争斗,那是很低级的人生。 真正的尊严也不是建立在超越别人的基础上的。对应英文:Life is not a battle, it is very vulgar life. The real dignity is not based on ahead of others.

这是常人的习惯言语,前半截率真,后半截不对。佛菩萨可不缺那柱香。佛门互相礼让,不会争。具体根源要你多看远伯新浪博客,这里说不清。对应英文:This is the ordinary habits of speech, the former half and latter half wrong. The Buddha is not short of the incense. Buddhism courteous to each other, not competing. The roots of you see far "Sina blog, here say not clear.

吃着碗里的,望着锅里的 丑话说在前头 丑媳妇早晚也得见公婆 初一一回十五一回 出多少汗,吃多少饭 出家人不说在家话 出水才见两腿泥 出头的橼子先烂 穿新鞋走老路 穿一...对应英文:Eating a bowl, look in the pan I said to see her at a back fifteen back to sweat as much in front of the ugly wife sooner or later, the number of meals eaten monk doesn't say at home, if water only see his legs mud head rafter first rotten wear new shoe to take old road wear...

如果要忏悔的话,可以少一支香,也可以烧三支上三支香为宜。此表示"戒、定、慧"三无漏学也表示供养佛、法、僧常住三宝。这是最圆满且文明的烧香供养。上香不在多少,...对应英文:If you want to confess, can be a little incense, can also burn three on three sticks of incense is appropriate. This means "ring, fixed, Hui" threefold training also said to support the Buddha, law, resident monks sambo. This is the most complete and civilization burning incense. Incense is not in the number,...

人争一口气 树争一张皮对应英文:People for a tree for a skin


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