

女人二十一枝花对应英文:Woman twenty-one flower

女人三十,如果还无男伴,虽还有青春气,但比之十八、廿年龄的女孩,逊色很多。且三十过后容貎老态变得快,以花来比,是已开之花,美,但过后就开始收缩。三十或之前结婚最好...对应英文:Thirty woman, if no man, although there are youth and gas, but the ratio of eighteen, 20 age girls, a lot of good. And after thirty containing great age become faster, than to spend, is already open flower, beautiful, but later began to shrink. The thirty best or before marriage...

女人二十一枝花,女人三十干瘪瓜,女人四十豆腐渣 ,女人五十中年妈 天天开心!!!对应英文:Woman twenty-one flower, thirty dried melon woman, woman forty bean curd residue, woman fifty middle-aged mother happy every day!!!

男为己悦者穷…… 女人一生喜欢两朵花一是有钱花,二是尽量花!并且当她们说起的时候总是那样自信,我不知道是因为我们男人发现了生活的秘密从而总是活得隔岸观火,还是...对应英文:The poor man yuet...... A woman's life like two flowers is to spend the money, the two is to spend! And when they talk about is always so confident, I don't know because we man found the secret of life and always live on, or...

当然是啦。。。的女人还不够花!!对应英文:Of course. The woman is not flower!!

男人四十一枝花,女人四十豆腐渣但从内质上说,男人四十在事业上对于男人而言大部分都是事业有成拉,人越活越有魅力拉看上去更有精神肯定就像一枝花咯,而爱情只是其生命...对应英文:Man forty-one flower, woman forty bean curd residue but from Er says, man forty in career for men mostly cause tension, people are living longer and attractive pull looks more spirit must is like a flower, and love is the life...

二十岁的女人是小鸟。 女人三十不是豆腐渣,而是第二青春期,三十的女人有内在的美,关键看你怎么去欣赏。对应英文:The twenty year old woman is a bird. Woman thirty instead of tofu, but second puberty, thirty of women have inner beauty, how do you see the key to appreciate.

女人一枝花,烂茶渣!对应英文:Woman is a flower, black tea!

有的男人三十堕落了还花什么花,都稀里哗啦了…而有的女人三十了还跟二十出头儿似的,你们说人家是豆腐渣吗对吧男人女人各有各的好,不管别人怎么评价,自己乐观自信就...对应英文:Some men thirty fall also spend what flower, have crashed... But some women thirty and twenty head son, you said the family was tofu do right man woman each have their own good, no matter what others evaluation, optimistic self-confidence...

岁的女人虽然老了点,但成熟,感性,不失美丽。往往颦笑间,举手投足间总能透露出一种成熟女人的特有魅力。岁,对于亚洲女性而言,还不是豆腐渣的年岁。对应英文:Old woman although old, but mature, sensible, not beautiful. Often be, between the behavior always revealed the unique charm of a mature woman. Years old, for Asian women, not shoddy age.

阁下没听说过男人一枝花,女人豆腐渣么 不知道你有没有看过这样一则笑话,很讽刺,很现实,岁的男人,喜欢岁的姑娘,岁的男人喜欢岁的姑娘,岁的男人喜欢...对应英文:You haven't heard of men, a flower, a woman bean curd residue do not know if you have not seen such a joke, ironically, very realistic, old man, like old girl, old man like old girl, old man like...


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