

软刀子杀人不见血对应英文:The soft kill without spilling blood

因为软刀子是指陷害,并不是刀子!对应英文:Because the soft refers to the frame, and not the knife!

软刀子杀人不见血。 软刀子的定义(现代汉语词典,商务印书馆,年,北京)比喻使人在不知不觉中受到折磨或腐蚀的手段。对应英文:The soft kill without spilling blood. The soft defined (Modern Chinese dictionary, the Commercial Press, years, Beijing) compared to torture or corrosion means imperceptibly.

染坊里拿不出白布来。 鸡窝里飞不出凤凰来。 狗嘴里吐不出象牙来。 软刀子杀人不见血。 外来的和尚会念经。 从南京到北京,买的不如卖的精。 漫天要价,就地还钱。 先...对应英文:Dyeing with no white cloth. The hen house cannot fly out of the phoenix. A filthy mouth cannot utter decent language. The soft kill without spilling blood. Foreign monks will recite and chant scripture. From Nanjing to Beijing, buy than sell the essence. Price oneself out of the market, local repay. First...

罗斯福又于年月借口日本侵入印度支那(越南)宣布对日本进行石油禁运。这是软刀子杀人不见血的阴招,谁都知道日本作为资源贫乏的岛国,绝大多数原料特别是石油依靠进...对应英文:Roosevelt also on the date of an excuse to Japan's invasion of Indochina (Vietnam) announced an oil embargo on japan. This is the soft kill without spilling blood Yin recruit, who all know Japan as a resource poor Island, the vast majority of raw materials, especially oil rely on...

分明就是一把杀人不见血的软刀子。   八路军不仅仅要征收沂蒙百姓的粮食和军用物资,还要带走他们刚刚成年的孩子们,为死亡惨败的军队增添新生力量。假如日本鬼子投降...对应英文:Clearly is a kill without spilling blood for the defence. The Eight Route Army not to levy the Yimeng people food and military supplies, but also take them just adult children, add new strength to defeat the forces of death. If Japs surrender...

三刀软刀、硬刀、险刀软刀子杀人不见血,硬刀子杀人不留情,险刀子杀人没法防软硬兼施,加上阴险,善良的人不好对付。 所以,两面三刀比喻居心不良,当面一套,背后一套...对应英文:Three knife knife, knife, soft hard soft risk knife kill without spilling blood, hard knife kill without mercy, insurance knife killing couldn't prevent act tough and talk soft, plus the sinister, kind-hearted people are difficult to deal with. So, play a double game analogy Fandango, to face a set, behind a set...

软刀子杀人不见血,硬刀子杀人不留情,险刀子杀人没法防软硬兼施,加上阴险,善良的人不好对付。对应英文:The soft kill without spilling blood, hard knife kill without mercy, insurance knife killing couldn't prevent act tough and talk soft, plus the sinister, kind-hearted people are difficult to deal with.

中学生应该明白网上文化垃圾的危害,可以这样说黄网是一把杀人不见血的软刀子,中学生上网时要自我克制,自我保护,自觉抵制网上恶魔的不良影响。上网要健康,对一些宣传色...对应英文:Students should understand the harm of online culture rubbish, can say, yellow net is a kill without spilling blood in the soft, high school students online to self-restraint, self protection, consciously resist the bad influence of the Internet. Access to health, some color publicity...

鸡窝里飞不出凤凰来。 狗嘴里吐不出象牙来。 软刀子杀人不见血。 外来的和尚会念经。 从南京到北京,买的不如卖的精。 漫天要价,就地还钱。 先尝后买,才知好歹。 黑字...对应英文:The hen house cannot fly out of the phoenix. A filthy mouth cannot utter decent language. The soft kill without spilling blood. Foreign monks will recite and chant scripture. From Nanjing to Beijing, buy than sell the essence. Price oneself out of the market, local repay. Try before you buy, just know it. Black word...

%的人忆忆力减退.所以说噪音也是一种污染.还有人把噪音比作杀人不见血的软刀子, 这话绝不过分.由于工业生产的过于集中, 交通拥挤, 噪音源增多, 噪音已经成了一种比较...对应英文:% of people with memory loss. So that the noise is also a kind of pollution. And the noise to kill without spilling blood in the soft, it will never too. As industrial production is too concentrated, traffic congestion, increased noise source, noise has become a comparison...


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