

慈母有败子对应英文:Mother had to lose

古语有云慈母多败儿。从古至今,因为母亲的纵容而被娇惯的坏孩子不胜枚举。为什么慈祥的母亲会让儿子变成"败家子"呢 "母慈"易生懒惰思想。有些开发企业,凭借着以往的...对应英文:As the old saying goes mother more defeated. From ancient times to the present, because the mother's indulgence and pampered bad boy be too numerous to enumerate. Why my mother will let the son into a "black sheep" "mother" easy lazy thought. Some development enterprises, by virtue of the past...

这种以偏盖全的论调非常不负责任。在向以效治国的中华民族,除非精神混乱的战乱时期容易出现不耻的子孙忤逆之事,平时不多吧。这与当权者推行的教化政策大有关系。对应英文:The whole argument very irresponsible. In to the effect rule of the Chinese nation, unless the confusion of war are not ashamed of children against things, usually not much. A relationship between the implementation and the authorities education policy.

爱而不教,使沦于不肖,陷于大恶,入于刑辟,归于乱亡,非他人败也,母败之也。做母亲的,不担心不慈爱,担心的是懂得慈爱却不懂得教育。慈爱却不教育,使子女变得不成材,堕落...对应英文:Love and do not teach, the reduced to unworthy, a great evil, into the penalty provision, to the chaotic death, others also, mother defeated also. Mother, do not worry about not caring, concern is how love and don't know how to education. Love is not education, so that children become worthless, fall...

这句流传千古的名句揭示出人类一种普遍的知恩图报的心理。、慈母有败子而严家无格虏。【注释】选自《史记 李斯列传》。格虏刁滑而凶悍的奴仆。【译文】慈爱的母亲...对应英文:This famous spread through the ages reveal a universal gratitude human psychology. A prodigal son, mother and strict home without case s. [note] is selected from the group consisting of "records of the historian Li Si biography". Lattice s cunning and ferocious slave. [translation] loving mother...

这是古代法家人物韩非的思想他说过强家无恶奴慈母有败子后来民间就有了这话对应英文:This is the ancient Legalists Han Fei thought he said strong home without evil slave mother a prodigal son then there is this

要清净的爱,平等的智慧。父母要要让孩子一起去体会生活。清净,爱就不要只贪自己的愉悦高兴和快乐。平等,尊重孩子成长的人格,不要把孩子成为自己的牺牲品,自己内心祈求...对应英文:To the pure love, equality and wisdom. Parents should let the child go to experience life. Pure love, not only for their own pleasure, joy and happiness. Equality, respect children's personality, do not send their children to become their own victims, his heart to pray for...

大概意思有客人路过楚国都城"郢",唱了一首歌曲叫做《下里巴人》(通俗易懂,好比现在的流行音乐),得到了几千人的好评与传唱。后来又唱歌曲《阳阿》与《薤露》(难度高了...对应英文:You have guests pass by the capital of Chu "Ying", sang a song called "popular literature or art" (easy to understand, like pop music), received thousands of comments from sung. Then the song "Yang a" and "Xie Lu" (high difficulty...

古语有云慈母多败儿。从古至今,因为母亲的纵容而被娇惯的坏孩子不胜枚举。为什么慈祥的母亲会让儿子变成"败家子"呢   "母慈"易生懒惰思想。有些开发企业,凭借着以...对应英文:As the old saying goes mother more defeated. From ancient times to the present, because the mother's indulgence and pampered bad boy be too numerous to enumerate. Why my mother will let the son into a "black sheep" "mother" easy lazy thought. Some development enterprises, by virtue of a...

你也知道慈母多败儿。既然知道,你当初为什么吵架 我觉得你应该出去练练。也好。可以磨掉你的脾气。 也能让自己成熟!时间长了。你就会明白家的温暖了。 人只有在逆境...对应英文:You know mother more defeated. Now that you know the reason why you quarrel, I think you should go. Or. You can wear off your temper. Also can let oneself mature time. You will understand the warmth of home. Only in the face of adversity...

这里的"慈母"是指宠溺孩子的母亲们,这些孩子们的天性就是很自私很任性,"慈母"们没有教过他们的孩子做一个有素质的人,或是没有用对方法,没把孩子教育出来。这样的孩子...对应英文:Here the "mother" is a spoiled child mothers, the children's nature is very selfish very headstrong, "mother" they didn't teach their children to do a quality person, or is of no use to, not the child education. Such children...


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