

好花还需绿叶衬对应英文:Flowers need greenery line

红花还需要叶衬 红花 绿叶总是连在一起的 他们属于(生殖)器官 (营养)器官。 花属于生殖器官,叶属于营养器官。 营养器官包括根、茎、叶生殖器官包括花、果实、...对应英文:Flower also need green leaf red lining always together they belong to (Germ) organs (Nutrition) organs. Flower is the reproductive organs, leaves of vegetative organ. Vegetative organs including roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits including reproductive organs,...

有一盆红花,因为它有绿叶的陪衬,所以就显得那么引人注目。经过这儿的人都要看它一眼,有的人向它投来赞许的... 天快黑了,红花还陶醉在人们的赞美声中,不想睡觉。它跳啊、...对应英文:There is a pot of flowers, because it leaves the foil, so it is so attract sb.'s attention. After all the people here to have a look at it, some people throw praise... The end of the day, flower also revel in people's praise, do not want to sleep. It jumped,...

哪衬得出绿叶的作用,没有花的存在,哪显得出绿叶的扶持,没有花的烘托,哪还会显得出绿叶的辛勤,不计较回报人人都歌颂绿叶,为什么就没人注意那开在枝头的灿烂的花呢对应英文:That leaves the role which the lining, not the presence of flowers, which is the support, no flowers foil, which also is the hard, do not care about returns everyone praises the green leaves, why no one noticed that opened in the branches of brilliant flowers

缀满各种水果的冰沙对应英文:Decorated with all kinds of fruit Sorbet

稠密的绿叶衬着各种颜色的花,远远看去像缀满各种水果的冰沙 。对应英文:Dense greenery line with flowers of all colours, far from looking like a decorated with all kinds of fruit Sorbet.

稠密的树叶衬这各种颜色的花,远远看去好像(漂亮的小花布)红的透亮的苹果,像(小孩子清透的脸庞)一片片晚霞,倒映在清澈如镜的小河里,像(一幅美丽的山水画 )对应英文:The dense foliage lining the flowers of various colors, far from looking like a (small pretty cloth) red and bright apple, like (a fresh face) a piece of sunset, reflected in the clear as a mirror of the brook, (like a beautiful landscape painting)

幕后的团队人员虽然默默无闻,但站在前台的人都应懂得,没有团队、没有大家一起付出的努力,可能就没有接收赞美、掌声、奖励等等的机会 甘当绿叶的人最值得尊敬对应英文:Behind the scenes team personnel though unknown to the public, but standing in front of the people should know, no team, not everyone in the effort, may not receive praise, applause, reward opportunity for green leaves people the most worthy of respect

英雄本就美人配嘛,当然,也有个别孤身英雄。这方面,您只是地下的知道一半,呵呵~对应英文:The hero the beauty with it, of course, there are also individual alone hero. In this regard, you just know half underground, ha ha ~

好像我看花了眼,鲜花怎么长田里对应英文:If I see hualeyan, flower how long Tian Li

一件美丽的花衣披在大地身上,引来了蝴蝶在他身边翩翩起舞。对应英文:A beautiful cloak over earth, butterfly rise and dance in a happy mood has in him.


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