

闺女要花儿要炮对应英文:The girl to the flowers to gun

孩子则除了穿花衣以外还要放炮。儿歌说"新年到,新年到,闺女要花儿要炮"。除春花外,还有春燕、春蝶和春蛾,这些纸做的饰物都一起上了少女的头。燕子是春天的象征,也是...对应英文:The child is in addition to wear outside and shooting. Song said "to the new year, new year, the girl to the flowers to gun". In the spring, and Chun Yan, butterfly spring and spring moth, these paper ornaments are together on the girl's head. The swallow is a symbol of spring, is also...

"年来到,年来到, 闺女要花儿要炮, 老婆要个新棉袄, 老头要个新毡帽。"对应英文:"Come, come, the girl to the flowers to gun, wife to a new cotton padded jacket, the old man to a new hat. "

青年妇女头戴彩花,称为春花。孩子则除了穿花衣以外还要放炮。儿歌说"新年到,新年到,闺女要花儿要炮"。除春花外,还有春燕、春蝶和春蛾,这些纸做的饰物都一起上了...对应英文:Young women wearing colorful flowers, known as spring flowers. The child is in addition to wear outside and shooting. Song said "to the new year, new year, the girl to the flowers to gun". In the spring, and Chun Yan, butterfly spring and spring moth, these paper ornaments are together...

年好过,节好过,日子难过 、新年到,闺女要画,小子要炮,老头要一顶新毡帽 、要得发,扫十八要得有,扫十九! 、儿行千里母担忧 、新年咸鱼冻黄豆,开春日子不但愁...对应英文:Years had better, day, sad day, new year, the daughter is going to be painted, the gun, the old man to a new hat, to have hair, and eighteen will have, sweeping nineteen!, erhangqianli mother worried, new year fish frozen soybean, spring day not only sorrow...

大人们这时候都比平日里慷慨,过年了嘛!"二十三,年来到闺女要花,小子要炮。"哪样不用钱呢!但这天必须要吃的正宗传统食品还是糖瓜,因为这一天是祭灶日。灶王爷在家里住...对应英文:The people at this time than on weekdays, generous, have the Spring Festival it! "Twenty-three years to spend, girl, boy to gun. "Which do not have the money! But it must want to eat authentic traditional food or tanggua, because this day is the kind of day. The kitchen god live in the home...

"新年到,新年到,穿新衣戴新帽。小闺女要花,小小子要炮,老头要个新毡帽。"一到过年,大观园、人民商场、新市场、西市场、国货商场及各大百货店绸布店也是一派繁忙景象。...对应英文:"New year, new year, wearing new clothes, wearing a new hat. The little girl to spend, small boy to gun, the old man to a new hat. "One to have the Spring Festival, Grand View Garden, people's shopping malls, markets, west market, domestic market and each big department store silk cloth is one of the busy scene. ...

扯锯,姥娘门口唱大戏,接闺女,请女婿,亲家婆你也去!腊八粥,喝几天,哩哩啦啦二十三二十三,糖瓜粘二十四扫...姑娘要花,小子要炮 老头儿要顶新毡帽, 老太太要件新棉袄。 ...对应英文:Rip saw, grandmother door to sing opera, the daughter, son-in-law daughter-in-law mother-in-law please, you go! Congee with Nuts and Dried Fruits, drink a few days, lililala Ershisanershisan tanggua, stick twenty-four sweep... Girl to spend, the gun man to new hat, the old lady elements of new cotton padded jacket. ...

山坡上笼盖着一坡暖,绿是苗儿的羞,笋是竹子的羞,蕾是花儿的羞。霞妹带着月羞牧了一群羊,羊儿萌动了春情赶...怎能不爽于是,村子里大闺女、小媳妇、八旬老翁、红脸村汉,...对应英文:The hillside is covered with a slope of warm, green sprouts of shame, shame is bamboo shoots, bud is a flower of shame. Xia Mei with a month shy herding a flock of sheep, the sheep sprout the catch... How can not so, the village girl, little daughter-in-law, eight year old man, red Cun han,...

、洛阳城东桃李花,飞来飞去落谁家。唐·宋之问《有所思》"洛阳城东桃李花,飞来飞去落谁家。幽闺女儿惜颜色,坐见落花长叹息。"、南陌青楼十二重,春风桃李为谁容。...对应英文:Luoyang Chengdong, peach and plum flowers, flying to come. Tang and song Zhiwen "thinking" "Luoyang East plum flowers, flying to come. Secluded boudoir daughter but sit see flower color, long sigh. "Nan Mo brothel, twelve, who let spring peach. ...

地里开打发闺女上轿来大也哭,妈也哭女婿过来劝丈母丈母丈母你别()哭你闺女,到我家,不受罪哭哭啼啼打不...姑娘要花,小子要炮 老头儿要顶新毡帽, 老太太要件新棉袄。 ...对应英文:In the open sent girl chair to cry, mom cried mother-in-law mother-in-law mother-in-law son-in-law over advised you don't cry () your daughter, to my home, do not suffer weep and sob not... The girl to spend, the gun man to new hat, the old lady elements of new cotton padded jacket. ...


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