

风流趁年少对应英文:Romantic young

寻欢作乐对应英文:Pursue pleasure

挽天倾 飞剑已出鞘 潇洒入云霄对应英文:Wan day tilt Feijian has drawn smartly into the clouds

夜歌豪 乘年少 歌曲风流 歌手 曲小旭音乐《水浒传》登录音乐 词/唱 春水汤汤 一时无涯 柳...春风浩荡 目极天涯 犹是少年 风姿正飒沓 盏中泉水 鬓边杏花...对应英文:A song by song ho young romantic music singer Qu Xiaoxu "Water Margin" login music word / sing spring soup a boundless willow... Spring mighty extreme Tianya Judah is young grace is sa Da cup spring binbian apricot...

正面意思人如果不趁年轻做出风采突出业绩就辜负了青春年华。 反面意思人如果不趁年轻做点风流韵事(具有色情特点或色情上得到满足)就辜负了青春年华。对应英文:The positive meaning of people if not young make style prominent performance will live up to the youth. Negative. If you don't do a romantic affair while young (with porn features or erotic gratification) will live up to the youth.

风流趁年少 他灼华胜桃夭.看不穿相思无岸 人易老.谈笑间功名扶摇 流年转山河绕.潇洒看今朝 他举杯对月邀.又一番高山流水 知音少...对应英文:Romantic young he Zhuo Hua Taoyao. Do not wear the Acacia no shore people easily old. Laughing up to mountains and rivers around the fleeting fame. You see his toast on invitation. And a high mountain and flowing water less wrong...

风流趁年少 他灼华胜桃夭   看不穿相思无岸 人易老   谈笑间功名扶摇 流年转山河绕   潇洒看今朝 他举杯对月邀   又一番高山流水 知音少   谁胜谁负谁说谁...对应英文:Romantic young he Zhuo Hua Tao Yao look not to wear the Acacia no shore people easy old laughing up to mountains and rivers around the fleeting fame and see him on to a high mountain and flowing water and a little friends who wins who said who...

风流趁年少 他灼华胜桃夭 .看不穿相思无岸 人易老 .谈笑间功名扶摇 流年转山河绕 .潇洒看今朝 他举杯对月邀 .又一番高山流水 知音少...对应英文:Romantic young he Zhuo Hua Taoyao. Do not wear the Acacia no shore people easily old. Laughing up to mountains and rivers around the fleeting fame. You see his toast on invitation. And a high mountain and flowing water less wrong...

.上联"醉欢场。男儿风流趁年少。" 下联"卧香床。女儿妖娆任君尝。" 横批"寻欢作乐"。 .长江后浪推前浪,一代更比一代浪。 .天若有情天亦老,人若多情死的早。...对应英文:On the drunken Huan field ". Romantic young man. "Second line" incense bed. Daughter enchanting Ren Jun taste. "Streamer" pursue pleasure". Yangtze River. Each wave pushing at the one ahead, more than a generation. . heaven can be overturned, if a man love die young. ...

满怀愁绪逐流去 夕阳古道沙又起 吹乱几家的羌笛 是谁说不如归去 青山绿水洗茶东篱 风流趁年少 他灼华胜桃夭 看不穿相思无岸 人易老 谈笑间功名扶摇 流年转山河绕 潇洒...对应英文:Full of melancholy by flow to sunset road dust and blowing several of the bamboo flute is who said it would be better to return green mountains and rivers wash tea or romantic young he Zhuo Hua Tao Yao look not to wear the Acacia no shore people easy old laughing up turn around and are fleeting fame...

醉欢场 男儿风流趁年少卧香床 女儿妖娆任君尝对应英文:Drunk like a man romantic young incense bed daughter enchanting Ren Junchang


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