

饿死莫做贼对应英文:Starve Mo thief

临难毋苟免,临财毋苟得。 气死莫告状,饿死莫做贼。 醉后思仇人,君子避酒客。 智者千虑,必有一失 愚者千虑,必有一得。 千年田地八百主,田是主人人是客。 良田不由心...对应英文:To date no Gou Lin Cai Gou was not free. I don't complain, starve Mo thief. Drunk after thinking the enemy, the gentleman avoid alcoholic. Even a wise man sometimes makes a mistake. A fool may give a wise man counsel. The Millennium fields eight hundred master, who is the owner field is off. Farmland is not from the heart...

德沃金《法律帝国》渴不饮盗泉水,热不息恶木阴。 --晋陆机 气死莫告状,饿死莫做贼。 --清《增广贤文》 自己不能成为自己案子的法官 衙门八字开,有理无钱莫进来...对应英文:Dworkin "empire of law" thirsty not drink steal springs, hot off the evil wood yin. Jin Lu angry -- Mo complain, starve Mo thief. "Augmented" own kind -- - don't become your own judge the yamen gate is open wide, rational Mo money coming in...

--美。德沃金《法律帝国》渴不饮盗泉水,热不息恶木阴。 --晋陆机气死莫告状,饿死莫做贼。 --清《增广贤文》自己不能成为自己案子的法官衙门八字开,有理无钱莫...对应英文:Beauty. Dworkin "empire of law" thirsty not drink steal springs, hot off the evil wood yin. Jin Lu angry -- Mo complain, starve Mo thief. "Augmented" own kind -- - don't become your own judge the yamen gate is open wide, rational Mo money...

秉公理自直,无私必无畏。捐躯赴国难,视死忽如归。气死莫告状,饿死莫做贼。自知不自贱,自爱不自贵。德厚者流光,德薄者流卑。走大路怕水,抄小路怕鬼。明知不是伴,事急且...对应英文:Bing axioms from straight, selfless have fearless. To die for the cause of national calamity, see dead suddenly such as return. I don't complain, starve Mo thief. He is not self base, not from your love. De thick streamer, de thin flow. The main road was afraid of water, afraid of ghosts copy path. Not knowing that with, the matter is urgent and...

巡,但打开城门接纳张巡,职位本在张巡之上, 授之柄而处其下,无所疑忌,竟与巡俱守死,成功名。 却把指挥的权力交给他而处于他领导之下,没有怀疑和猜忌,最终与张巡一同守...对应英文:Tour, but open the gates to accept Zhang Xun, position in the Zhang Xun, granted by the handle and the lower, no jealousy, unexpectedly and the club to death, success. But the command authority given to him in his leadership, no doubt and suspicion, finally and Zhang Xun with you...

都督诸路军马。时北兵已迫修门外,战、守、迁皆不及施。缙绅、大夫、士萃于左丞相府,莫知计所出。会使辙交驰,北邀当国者相见,众谓予一行为可以纾祸。国事至此,予不得爱...对应英文:Controlling all troops. When the northern army has been forced to repair the door, war, keep moving, are not applied. Gentlemen, the doctor, who were in the left government prime minister, does not know the meter out. The track cross Chi, north to state meet, the predicate to a behavior can relieve disaster. State so far, I love...

】"遂去不顾,与母俱匿野泽中。平朝出求食,逢饿贼,将烹②之。平叩头曰今旦为老母求菜老母待旷为命愿得先归食母毕还就死因涕泣。【贼见其至诚,哀而遣之。】平还,既食母...对应英文:] "and went to disregard, and mother are anonymous Nozawa in. Ping Chao out for food, every hungry thief, will be cooking in the. He said this day for old flat for food to be open to life mother willing to eat mother Bi also cause weep. [see the thief sincerity, sorrow and sent. ] Ping also, not only eating mother...

管夷吾举于士,孙叔敖举于海,百里奚举于市。 故天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。 人恒过,然后能...对应英文:Tube Yiwu lift to lift Yu Hai scholar, Sun Shuao, Bai Li Xi held in the city. The days will be down to the great man also, must suffer, the labor of their bones, their body skin hunger, depletion of their body, it is OK Fu chaos, so the spirit, had it not beneficial. One constant, then can...

受任右丞相兼枢密使,统率全国各路兵马。当时元兵已经逼近都城北门外,交战、防守、转移都来不及做了。满朝大小官员会集在左丞相吴坚家里,都不知道该怎么办。正当双方使...对应英文:Subject to any right of prime minister, the national command of the various military forces. At that time, Yuan soldiers approaching all North outside, war, defense, transfer can do. All the officials gathered in the left Prime Minister Wu Jian home, don't know what to do. As both sides...

于是抽出随身佩带的刀砍断一个手指,鲜血淋漓,来给贺兰看我这次回去,如果打败了叛贼,一定回来灭掉贺兰!这一箭就作为我报仇的记号 出自《张中丞传》后叙全文如下元和二...对应英文:Then taking the wear knife cut off a finger, bloodshed, to Helan to see me this time, if the defeated rebels, must come out of Helan! This one as my revenge from Zhang Zhongcheng Zhuan "mark" narrating the yuan and two...


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