

眼光放远万事悲对应英文:Far sighted and sad

这是他的处世态度 钱钟书在《围城》里面有体现这样的思想 至于里面有没有这样的原话 就记不清了 刚刚一小孩子也问这个问题了 你们是不是子啊考试啊对应英文:This is his attitude of Qian Zhongshu in "Fortress Besieged" there are embodied such thoughts as there no such words do not remember just a child asked this question you Is it right? Son of examinations

人散后,一钩新月天如水人的一生,遇上过多少个一钩新月天如水的夜    此夜,可能是良朋对酌,说尽傻话痴语。    此夜,可能是海棠结社,行过了酒令填了新词。  ...对应英文:People scattered, a hook crescent day like water life, encountered many a hook crescent day like water night the night, may be good for action, said silly silly language. This night, probably Begonia Association, performed the prohibition filling words. ...

三十一年还旧国,落花时节读华章。 牢骚太胜防肠断,风物长宜放眼量。 莫道昆明池水浅,观鱼胜过富春江。 其...以阔大的胸怀看待人世间的万事万物"。毛泽东对柳亚子当年因个...对应英文:Back in the old capital after thirty-one years, at the season of falling flowers I read your polished lines. Complain too - pain prevention, long to look. Mo Dao Kunming water shallow, fish than the Fuchun River. The... Look at world with wide mind everything". Mao Zedong on Liu Yazi was due to a...

.我们的时代需要千千万万个雷锋。 .上面坐着两个老爷,东边的一个是马褂,西边的一个是西装。 .花白胡子...站在老栓面前,眼光正像两把刀,刺得老栓缩小了一半。 .农民...对应英文:At our time needs thousands on thousands of Lei Feng. . sitting above the two master, one of the East is the jacket, a Western suit. . gray beard... Standing in the old bolt face, his eyes like two knives, thorn gets old Chuan shrink to half. A farmer.

如果有了正确的人生观和世界观,一个人就能对社会、对人生、对世界上的万事万物持正确的认识,能采取适当的态度和行为反应就能使人站得高,看得远,做到冷静而稳妥地处理...对应英文:If we have a correct outlook on life and world view, a person can the society, to the life, hold the correct understanding to the things in the world, can take the attitude and behavior reaction can be appropriate to stop HISTEP, look far, be calm and secure processing...

用线表现物体外轮廓之常形,因此中国画的线是理性的,用线的眼光观察事物就是以理观景。它最能抓住事物形色...生活中的万事万物无须一一观察,与我们有关的就看,无关的就不...对应英文:Lines represent object contour is shaped, so China painting line is rational, with the observation line vision is for viewing. It can grasp the color... Everything in our life without one one observation, about us, see, independent will not...

没人脉,万事开头难,迷茫,如何规划 职业方面 "学工程"想从事期货行业,如何突破 我是组织期货顶尖培训的...首先恭喜你,有眼光选择了这个行业~ 首先值得肯定的是,你有了...对应英文:No contacts, everything is hard in the beginning, confused, how to plan the occupation "Engineering" to engage in futures industry, how to break my organization futures top training... Congratulations, vision of the choice of the industry. First of all it is, you have...

--北京一夜  多么强烈的人生虚无感。  钱钟书说目光放远,万事皆悲。  一个好友说再过二十年,现在追求的种种都灰飞烟灭了。  虽然《好了歌》写尽了这一类的...对应英文:Beijing night how intense life nihility. Qian Zhongshu said, far sighted, everything is sad. A friend said that over the next twenty years, now the pursuit of all Ashes To Ashes. Although the "good song" try to write this kind of...

--北京一夜   多么强烈的人生虚无感。   钱钟书说目光放远,万事皆悲。   一个好友说再过二十年,现在追求的种种都灰飞烟灭了。   虽然《好了歌》写尽了这一...对应英文:Beijing night how intense life nihility. Qian Zhongshu said, far sighted, everything is sad. A friend said that over the next twenty years, now the pursuit of all Ashes To Ashes. Although the "good song" written all this...

钱钟书说目光放远,万事皆悲。 一个好友说再过二十年,现在追求的种种都灰飞烟灭了。 虽然红楼梦中的《好了歌》写尽了这一类的感受,但这句歌词足以相媲美。 二 烧完...对应英文:Qian Zhongshu said, far sighted, everything is sad. A friend said that over the next twenty years, now the pursuit of all Ashes To Ashes. Although in a dream of Red Mansions "good song" try to write this kind of feeling, but this word is enough to match. Two burn...


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