

诗成不厌千回改对应英文:The poem is a thousand times changed into

爱好由来下笔难,一诗千改始心安。        阿婆还似初笄女,头未梳成不许看。   他作诗态度极为认真,到了老年仍像年轻女孩梳妆打扮一样,自己未修改满意之前从...对应英文:Write a poem to hobby origin, thousand to peace of mind. She is like the initial and female, not plaited into not allowed to see. He wrote a poem attitude very seriously, to the old age is like the young girl get slicked up, their satisfaction from the unmodified before...

遣兴(二十四首选二)袁枚爱好由来下笔难,一诗千改始心安。阿婆还似初笄女,头未梳成不许看。对应英文:Caprice (twenty-four two) Yuan Mei likes to write a poem to the origin, thousand to peace of mind. She is like the initial and female, not plaited into not allowed to see.

爱好由来落笔难,一诗千改始心安。阿婆还是初笄女,头未梳成不许看。对应英文:Write a poem to hobby origin, thousand to peace of mind. She was first and female, not plaited into not allowed to see.

袁枚 爱好由来下笔难,一诗千改始心安。 阿婆还似初笄女,头未梳成不许看。对应英文:Yuan Mei likes to write a poem to the origin, thousand to peace of mind. She is like the initial and female, not plaited into not allowed to see.

袁枚爱好由来下笔难,一诗千改始心安。阿婆还似初笄女,头未梳成不许看。对应英文:Yuan Mei hobby origin writing difficult, a poem thousand to peace of mind. She is like the initial and female, not plaited into not allowed to see.

风一更,雪一更,聒碎乡心梦不成,故园无此声。长相思朝代北宋 作者秦观铁瓮城高,蒜山渡阔,干云十二层楼。...绿满枝, 宿雨厌厌睡起迟。 闲庭花影移。 忆归期, 数归期, 梦...对应英文:More wind, snow, be broken hearts not Xiang, hometown without the sound. Author Qin Dynasty Song Sauvignon Blanc Guantie Weng Cheng, hiruzen Du Kuo, dry cloud twelve floor. ... green full branch, persistent rain grouchy sleep late. When shadows shift. A number of return, return, dream...

每新作一首诗,都要反反复复地修改和完善,尽力达到完美的境界才算感到满意。说明在写作时态度认真严谨,追求尽善尽美的境界。对应英文:Each new poem, have repeatedly revised and perfected, trying to reach the realm of perfection is satisfied. Instructions in writing attitude is rigorous, the pursuit of reach the acme of perfection realm.

就是写一首诗要修改许多遍,达到最完美,能反映作者心境或时事,能引起人们共鸣的境界对应英文:Is to write a poem to change many times, to achieve the most perfect, can reflect the author's mood or current events, people can relate to state

你就是我手掌里的夜明珠,你就是我人生路途的另一半对应英文:You are my palm legendary luminous pearl, the other half of you is my way of life

胜利归来。 胜利归来朝见天子,天子坐在殿堂(论功行赏)。给木兰记很大的功勋,得到的赏赐有千百金还有余。天子问木兰有什么要求,木兰说不愿做尚书郎,希望骑上千里马,回...对应英文:Return in triumph. Win back an audience with the emperor, the emperor sitting in the hall (reward according to sb.'s deserts). Remember to Magnolia great feats, get the reward has thousands of gold is more than. What are the requirements emperor Mulan, Mulan unwilling to do Shangshu Lang, hoping to ride the horse, back...


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