

短鞘套长刀对应英文:Short sheath knife

苗刀总长五尺、刀长三尺八寸、刀柄一尺二寸,兼集中了刀、枪两种兵器的特点,既能当枪使,又能当刀用,既可单...十分相似,都是双手使用的一把大长刀,但技术确迥然,各具特色,...对应英文:Miao Dao is five feet, three foot eight inch knife, knife handle one foot two inches, and focuses on the characteristics of two kinds of weapons, gun knife, can be a tool, but also when the knife, can a single... Is very similar, is a large knife use with two hands, but the technology is different, unique,...

孤光残照--铁拳 裂天盘古斧--长斧 嗜骨血修罗--利刃 天若有情天亦老--长刀 倚舟笑沧海--枪戟 神月 风歌楚狂人 双刀 --楚狂人,凤歌声,刀剑三千里石中火,梦中身,烟雨任...对应英文:The solitary light rays of the setting sun - Tekken crack day Pangu Axe - long axe eosinophil blood Shura -- sword of heaven can be overturned on the boat at sea -- long - gun halberd of God on the wind song Madman of Chu double knives - the Madman of Chu, Feng Song, the sword spirit stone fire, dream, misty rain...

完全看你怎么用它。战场搏命都用长刀,三尺到四尺,太长的易断,也不好用力。力气不能贯穿在刀上的话,仅凭刀...打开折刀往往比从刀鞘中拔刀慢。有些折刀需要用双手才能打开...对应英文:Can you do with it. The battlefield fighting with swords, three feet to four feet, too long, easily broken, can't force. The strength can not through the knife on the words, only open the knife knife... Sword from its sheath is slow. Some jackknife need to open hands to...

" 腰刀刀长约三飞,刀身狭,柄短。明·茅元仪《武备志·军资乘·器械》"腰刀造法,铁要多练,用纯钢自背起用平铲...逐步发展成为长刀。这种刀极为锋利,既是劳动工具,也是练功和...对应英文:"Broadsword knife ca. three fly, blade narrowly, short shanks. Ming Mao Yuanyi "Wubei Zhi, funding by · instrument" "broadsword law making, iron to practice, the pure steel from the dorsal use shovel... Become long. This knife is extremely sharp, is not only the tool of labor, but also practice and...

曼珠、沙华 三件首饰能开特效特效是什么我忘记了武器就有把了,分别是 单刀 长刀 双刀 锤子 弓箭 门派武器也有四件 盾牌 飘带 刀鞘 箭鞘如果你选择了软武器匣也是这样...对应英文:Menchu, Sha Hua three pieces of jewelry can open the special effects are what I forget weapons have, respectively is the single pole double knife knife hammer arrows martial weapon has four shield ribbon sheath arrow sheath if you choose soft weapon box also is such...

三叔的原著里描述的虽然不多,但好像也认同是一柄长刀"正说着,我看到一个年轻人从他正门里面走了出来,身上...但是,我一直感觉这应该是一柄短刀,甚至应该是匕首类的。可能...对应英文:The original description now although not much, but seem to agree is a long knife "just then, I saw a young man came out from his Front Gate inside, as well... But, I always feel this should be a short sword, even be a dagger class. Probably.

仪刀盖古班剑之类,晋宋已来谓之御刀,后魏曰长刀,皆施龙凤环。至隋,谓之仪刀,装以金银,羽仪所执。 障刀盖用障身以御敌。 横刀兵士所佩之刀,名亦起于隋。《唐律疏议...对应英文:Gaiguban like instrument knife sword, Jin Song Yilai called imperial knife, Vijaya Yue long, all the Dragon ring. To the Sui Dynasty, that the instrument knife, mounted in gold and silver, feather tester. Avoidance knife cover barrier to resist the enemy. The sword soldier wearing a knife, also from the Sui dynasty. "Tang dynasty...

陌刀,长刀也,步兵所持,盖古之斩马龙泉宝剑。 』,《新唐书》亦有『刀重十五斤』之记载。 清王《兵仗记》中... 斩马刀长什么样,现在有两种意见。 一种是认为和二朗神手里那...对应英文:Mo knife, knife, infantry holding, Gaigu chop horse Longquan sword. "," new book of Tang "also have" knife weighs fifteen pounds' records. Qing Wang "weapon"... Saber long what kind, now there are two kinds of views. One is that the hand of the long and two...

仪刀盖古班剑之类,晋宋已来谓之御刀,后魏曰长刀,皆施龙凤环。至隋,谓之仪刀,装以金银,羽仪所执。障刀盖用障身以御敌。横刀兵士所佩之刀,名亦起于隋。《唐律疏议》...对应英文:Gaiguban like instrument knife sword, Jin Song Yilai called imperial knife, Vijaya Yue long, all the Dragon ring. To the Sui Dynasty, that the instrument knife, mounted in gold and silver, feather tester. Avoidance knife cover barrier to resist the enemy. The sword soldier wearing a knife, also from the Sui dynasty. "Tang Dynasty"...

哈萨拉的铁胸衣-扣带 华宁的君权 华宁的祝福-扣带 华宁的正义-尖锋长刀 华宁的保护-提格莱特战甲 华宁的光辉-巨皇冠 不朽之王 不朽之王的琐事-巨战腰带...对应英文:Hasala iron corset strap Huaning monarchy Huaning blessing - buckle Huaning Justice - sharp knife Huaning protection - Teague Wright armor Huaning light - giant crown Immortal King Immortal King Trivia - war belt...


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